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Sperosoma (aboral ambulacral plates)
Sperosoma (aboral ambulacral plates)
Description Diagrams of aboral ambulacral plates: Left: Mortensen's interpretation: The primary plate is divided into two plates, one is perforated by a pore-pair, one is non-perforated. Right: Re-interpretation of Mooi et al.: The primary plate is not divided according the one-podium-per-plate rule. Modified after Mooi et al. (2004).
Scale 30 mm.
Author Schultz, Heinke JPG file - 68.39 kB - 1 491 x 481 pixels added on 2011-02-23366 viewsFrom reference Schultz, H. (2011). Sea urchins III: Worldwide regular de... © 2011 Schultz, Heinke
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