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Clypeaster eurychorius (horizontal section)
Clypeaster eurychorius (horizontal section)
Description Horizontal section of the test of Clypeaster eurychorius. In very flat clypeasterids (e.g. C. eurychorius or C. subdepressus) the calcareous supports are strongly developed along the inner side of the edge. Additional pillars occur more centrally, leaving space for the loop of the intestine. The median lines of the ambulacra with the radial canals are marked by narrow radial interspaces.
Length 120 mm; off Natal, South Africa.
Author Schultz, Heinke JPG file - 259.53 kB - 945 x 1 025 pixels added on 2009-02-23640 viewsFrom reference Schultz, H. (2009). Sea urchins II: Worldwide irregular d... © 2009 Schultz, Heinke
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