IMIS - Marine Research Groups | ||||
Annual average of every site in the three areas (Western, Middle, and Eastern) [Jaargemiddelde van alle locaties in de drie deelgebieden West, Midden en Oost]
Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Pigments (e.g. chlorophyll), Biology > Productivity - biomass, Coastal studies (e.g. shores, estuaries) Keywords: Brackish water, ANE, netherlands, zeeland, westerschelde, Annual, Average, Chlorophylls, ANE, Netherlands, Westerschelde Geographical coverage ANE, Netherlands, Westerschelde [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
1991 - 2005 Parameter
Dry weight biomass Contributor
Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ), more
Describing this dataset
Wetsteijn, B. et al. (2007). Monitoring van de effecten van de verruiming 48'/43': MOVE-rapport 9, deel II: Biologische en chemische hypothesen 2006 : Onderliggende rapportage bij MOVE rapport 10 Eindrapportage 2006. MOVE Hypothesendocument Deel II : Biologische en chemische hypothesen. Werkdocument RIKZ. [S.n.]: Middelburg, more
Data type: Static graphs
Metadatarecord created: 2010-02-02
Information last updated: 2010-02-02