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Zooplankton abundance and biomass from the RADIALES time series programme (N-NW Spain)
Isla A, Aierbe E, Bode A, González-Quirós R, Nogueira E, Valdés L; IEO-CSIC (2022) Zooplankton abundance and biomass from the RADIALES time series programme (N-NW Spain)
Isla, Alejandro Availability:
![]() Description
"Zooplankton abundance and biomass data collected within the framework of the RADIALES time series monitoring programme, carried out by the CSIC-IEO. The sampling is undertaken monthly from 1991 at a series of stations located along five transects perpendicular to the North and Northwest Spanish coastline.
Sampling protocol varied slightly beween transects: oblique hauls with a 200 µm mesh-size Bongo (stations off Vigo) or Juday-Bogorov (Coruña) net; vertical hauls with 200 µm mesh-size WP2 net (off Cudillero and Gijón transects, and Santander from 2013 onwards); and oblique hauls with 250 µm mesh-size Juday-Bogorov (Santander until 2013). The nets were towed from 100 m (50 m for the Juday-Bogorov at the Santander transect) or 5 m above the bottom at shallower stations to the surface. In all cases, the samples for abundance were preserved in 4% tetraborate-buffered formaldehyde for subsequent counting and taxonomic identification under a stereoscopic microscope. The biomass samples were filtered and dried at 60 ºC during 48 h before weighing to estimate the dry weight. The samples for biomass collected with the WP2 net (Cudillero, Gijón, and Santander since 2013) were split into three size-fractions: 200-500 µm, 500-1000 µm, and > 1000 µm. " Scope Themes: Biology > Plankton > Zooplankton Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Abundance, Biomass, Species composition, Time series, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Appendicularia, Chaetognatha, Diplostraca, Copepoda, Euphausiacea, Ostracoda, Pteropoda, Salpidae Lahille, 1888, Siphonophorae Geographical coverage EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: -8,958; MinLat: 42,142 - MaxLong: -3,783; MaxLat: 44,333 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
1989 - 2021 Taxonomic coverage
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness; Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), more, data creator
Related datasets
Child datasets: Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off A Coruña (NW Spain, Galicia); inner-shelf (station depth 77m), more Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off Gijón (N Spain, Cantrabrian Sea); mid-shelf (station depth 130m), more Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off Santander (N Spain, Cantrabrian Sea); coastal (station depth 30m), more Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off Santander (N Spain, Cantrabrian Sea); mid-shelf (station depth 110m), more Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off Santander (N Spain, Cantrabrian Sea); oceanic (station depth 850m), more Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off Vigo (NW Spain, Galicia); coastal (station depth 39m), more Zooplankton monitoring RADIALES - section off Vigo (NW Spain, Galicia); mid-shelf (station depth 97 m), more Published in: EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, more Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2023-01-23
Information last updated: 2023-07-04