The Fluminense Federal University was created in 1960 under the name Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UFERJ). It originated from the incorporation of the Federal Schools of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Law (1912), Medicine (1926) and Veterinary Medicine (1936); added five others, three of which were state-owned, namely: Nursing (1944), Social Service (1945), Engineering (1952), and two others, private, Economic Sciences (1942) and Philosophy (1947). After being federalized and incorporated, this union became known as Universidade Federal Fluminense. UFF's mission is to produce, disseminate and apply knowledge and culture in a critical and socially referenced way. The rectory building is located at Rua Miguel de Frias nº 9 , in the municipality of Niterói - RJ, and several UFF units are located in this city: there are 3 campuses ( Valonguinho , Gragoatá and Praia Vermelha ) and many isolated units located in several neighborhoods - Centro , São Domingos , Ingá, Santa Rosa , Vital Brasil - and incorporated into the routine of residents. The Institution has academic units in Niterói and in eight municipalities in the interior of the State of Rio de Janeiro – Angra dos Reis (Institute of Education of Angra dos Reis); Campos dos Goytacazes (Institute of Society Sciences and Regional Development); Macaé (Institute of Society Sciences); Nova Friburgo (Nova Friburgo Health Institute - ISNF); Petrópolis (School of Engineering of Petrópolis); Rio das Ostras (Institute of Science and Technology); Santo Antônio de Pádua (Instituto do Noroeste Fluminense de Educação Superior - INFES), and Volta Redonda , where the Institute of Human Sciences of Volta Redonda, the School of Industrial and Metallurgical Engineering (EEIMVR) and the Institute of Exact Sciences (ICEx) are located. ). In addition to in-person teaching, UFF offers EAD (Distance Education) courses distributed in 28 municipalities , including its headquarters in Niterói. Today, UFF is made up of 42 Teaching Units, 25 Institutes, 10 Faculties, 6 Schools and 1 Application College. There are a total of 125 teaching departments, 125 in-person undergraduate courses and 6 distance undergraduate courses offered at 28 centers of the Open University of Brazil , in agreement with CEDERJ-RJ. In Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Studies, there are 85 Postgraduate programs and 126 courses, 44 of which are doctoral degrees, 66 academic master's degrees and 16 professional master's degrees. The Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program offers 150 specialization courses and 45 medical residency programs.