Van Ryckegem, G.; Gessner, M.O.; Verbeken, A. (2007). Fungi on leaf blades of Phragmites australis in a brackish tidal marsh: Diversity, succession, and leaf decomposition. Microb. Ecol. 53(4): 600-611., more
Van Ryckegem, G.; Van Driessche, G.; Van Beeumen, J.J.; Verbeken, A. (2006). The estimated impact of Fungi on nutrient dynamics during decomposition of Phragmites australis leaf sheaths and stems. Microb. Ecol. 52(3): 564-574., more
Van Ryckegem, G.; Verbeken, A. (2005). Fungal ecology and succession on Phragmites australis in a brackish tidal marsh. I. Leaf sheaths. Fungal Diversity 19: 157-187, more
Van Ryckegem, G.; Verbeken, A. (2005). Fungal ecology and succession on Phragmites australis in a brackish tidal marsh. II. Stems. Fungal Diversity 20: 209-233, more
Van Ryckegem, G.; Verbeken, A. (2005). Fungal diversity and community structure on Phragmites australis (poaceae) along a salinity gradient in the scheldt estuary (belgium). Nova Hedwigia 80(1-2): 173-197., more
Autoecology and phenology of macrofungi in calcareous dunemeadows, more
Coprofiele fungi in duingebieden onderhevig aan begrazingsbeheer, more
Genetic, morphological and reproductive differentiation in the Boodlea composita species complex (Cladophorophyceae, Chlorophyta): towards a better understanding of the species concept in a marine environment, more
Microphytobenthos in the Westerschelde estuary, more
Studies on the plankton communities in New Guinea and Australia : the underwater light climate in lakes and its impact on the population structure and -dynamics of primary producers, more