The Royal Military Academy (RMA) is a military institution of university education responsible for the basic academic, military and physical training of future officers, and for the continuing advanced training of officers during their active career in the Defence department.
RMA also conducts scientific research at university level for projects funded by the Belgian Defense or external funding agencies at regional, federal or European level. Although research topics are mainly aimed at solving military problems, RMA also participates to and coordinates research projects focused on civilian applications, mostly within the security/safety domain in a broad sense. Research is conducted in collaboration with other reserach institues, universities, industry and other Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). Academic departments, present at RMA, are (i) Communication, information, systems and sensors; (ii) Economy, management and leadership; (iii) Physics; (iv) Life; (v) Mechanics; (vi) Mathematics; (vii) Behavioral sciences; (viii) Chemistry; (ix) Conflict studies; (x) Weapon systems and ballistics. Finally, in a much broader sense, strategic issues such as energy independence and economical impact are also actively investigated.
The marine research topics are situated in the field of remote sensing in the broad sense. Research is conducted in the field of mine counter measures, for instance to increase the performance of existing sonars and gradiometers and evaluating the impact of the environment on their performance. Other research projects relate to maritime situational awareness, involving different sensors, such as EO cameras and LiDAR, mounted in diferent (un)manned vehicles. It inter alia also concers research on air- and space-borne sensors such as scatterometers which are radar instruments, measuring the wind speed and direction above water surfaces.
Dutch name: Koninklijke Militaire School
Child institute
- Royal Military Academy; Signal and Image Centre (RMA-SIC), more
Address: Hobbemastraat 8
1000 Brussel Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)2-742 62 11
| |
Type: Education
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
( 24 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Bostater, C.R.; Neyt, X. (Ed.) (2023). Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions, 2023, 3 - 6 September 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. SPIE: Bellingham. , more
de Falco, P.; Ongaro, F.; Pugno, N.M. (2023). Multi-hit damage and perforation of plates inspired by the attacks of the mantis shrimp. Mechanics of Materials 181: 104587., more
De Ridder, S.; Pattyn, N.; Neyt, X.; Germonpré, P. (2023). Selecting optimal air diving gradient factors for Belgian military divers: more conservative settings are not necessarily safer. Diving Hyperb. Med. 53(3): 251-258., more
Cherif, R.; Hamami, A.E.A.; Ait-Mokhtar, A.; Bosschaerts, W. (2022). Thermodynamic equilibria-based modelling of reactive chloride transport in blended cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 156: 106770., more
Van Puyvelde, M.; Rietjens, G.; Helmhout, P.; Mairesse, O.; Van Cutsem, J.; Pattyn, N. (2022). The submariners' sleep study: a field investigation of sleep and circadian hormones during a 67-day submarine mission with a strict 6-h-on/6-h-off watch routine. J. Appl. Physiol. 132(4): 1069-1079., more
Nita, C.; Vandewal, M. (2021). On the automatic text detection and recognition algorithms for maritime images. Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 11870: 118700B., more
Nita, C.; Vandewal, M. (2020). CNN-based object detection and segmentation for maritime domain awareness, in: Dijk, J. (Ed.) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Defense Applications II. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 11543: pp. 1154306., more
Taverniers, J.; Suss, J.; Delcourt, G.; De Neve, Y. (2019). The tides of the zodiac MK VI HD: comparing the usability of inflatable boats for seaborne operations. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 7(1): 22-30., more
Van Hespen, I. (2019). De inzet van privaat gewapend maritiem beveiligingspersoneel of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) aan boord van Belgische en Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 18(1): 35-54., more
Rivas, M.B.; Stoffelen, A.; Verspeek, J.; Verhoef, A.; Neyt, X.; Anderson, C. (2017). Cone metrics: a new tool for the intercomparison of scatterometer records. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 10(5): 2195-2204., more
Van Hespen, I. (2016). Developing the concept of maritime piracy: a comparative legal analysis of international law and domestic criminal legislation. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 31(2): 279-314., more
Van Hespen, I. (2016). Prosecuting maritime piracy: domestic solutions to international crimes. The Military Law and the Law of War Review = Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre 54(2): 331-335, more
Elyouncha, A.; Neyt, X.; Stoffelen, A.; Verspeek, J. (2015). Assessment of the corrected CMOD6 GMF using scatterometer data. Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 9638: 11., more
Elyouncha, A.; Neyt, X. (2014). Comparison of the spatial and radiometric resolution of ERS and Metop C-band radars, in: Bostater, C.R. et al. (Ed.) Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2014. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9240: pp. 92400L., more
Elyouncha, A.; Neyt, X. (2014). Analysis of C-band spaceborne scatterometers thermal noise, in: Bostater, C.R. et al. (Ed.) Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2014. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9240: pp. 924006., more
Elyouncha, A.; Neyt, X. (2013). C-band satellite scatterometer intercalibration. IEEE Trans. Giosci. Remote Sens. 51(3): 1478-1491., more
Elyouncha, A.; Neyt, X. (2013). Inter-calibration of Metop-A and Metop-B scatterometers using ocean measurements, in: Bostater, C.R. et al. Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2013. Dresden, Germany, September 23, 2013. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 8888., more
Lopera, O.; Dupont, Y. (2013). Target classification from HR sonar images, in: IEEE OCEANS 2013 Norway. Proceedings of a meeting held 10-14 June 2013, Bergen, Norway. Oceans (New York), CFP13OCF: pp. 6 pp., more
Crapolicchio, R.; De Chiara, G.; Elyouncha, A.; Lecomte, P.; Neyt, X.; Paciucci, A.; Talone, M. (2012). ERS-2 scatterometer: mission performances and current reprocessing achievements. IEEE Trans. Giosci. Remote Sens. 50(7): 2427-2448., more
Elyouncha, A.; Neyt, X. (2012). A method for cross-comparison of scatterometer data using natural distributed targets: application to ERS-1 and ERS-2 data during the tandem mission. Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 8532: 9., more
Levaux, F.; Bostater, C.; Neyt, X. (2012). Contrast based band selection for optimized weathered oil detection in hyperspectral images. Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 8532: 16., more
Mattheijssens, J.; Marcel, J.-P.; Bosschaerts, W.; Lefeber, D. (2012). Oscillating foils for ship propulsion. WIT Trans. Ecol. Environ. 160: 139-147., more
Bostater, C.R.; Jones, J.; Frystacky, H.; Coppin, G.; Leavaux, F.; Neyt, X. (2011). Airborne imaging sensors for environmental monitoring and surveillance in support of oil spills and recovery efforts, in: Bostater, C.R. et al. Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2011, 21-22 September 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 8175: pp. 20 pp., more
Shimoni, M.; Acheroy, M. (2006). Imaging spectroscopy for coastal biogeochemistry of estuaries and plumes, in: Bostater, C.R. et al. (Ed.) Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2006. Stockholm, Sweden, September 11-13, 2006. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 6360: pp. U46-U55., more
- Arhant, Y.; Tellez, O.L.; Neyt, X.; Pizurica, A. (2023). D4SC: deep supervised semantic segmentation for seabed characterization in low-label regime, in: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings. pp. 6932-6935., more
- Desmidts, D.; Van Utterbeeck, F.; Lauwens, B.; De Clerck, B.; Harbi, T.E.; Benhassine, M. (2022). Optimal survey path for MCM operations using variable length genetic algorithms, in: Geril, P. et al. 20th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2022 (ISC' 2022). pp. 16-20, more
- Dutrannois, T.; Nguyen, T.-T.; Hamesse, C.; De Cubber, G.; Janssens, B. (2022). Visual SLAM for autonomous drone landing on a maritime platform, in: 2022 International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR). pp. 66-72., more
- Halleux, T.; Nguyen, T.-T.; Hamesse, C.; De Cubber, G.; Janssens, B. (2022). Visual drone detection and tracking for autonomous operation from maritime vessel, in: 2022 International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR). pp. 59-65., more
- Lahouli, R.; De Cubber, G.; Pairet, B.; Hamesse, C.; Fréville, T.; Haelterman, R. (2022). Deep learning based object detection and tracking for maritime situational awareness, in: Farinella, G.M. et al. Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 4
. pp. 643-650., more
- De Cubber, G.; Lahouli, R.; Doroftei, D.; Haelterman, R. (2020). Distributed coverage optimization for a fleet of unmanned maritime systems for a maritime patrol and surveillance application, in: 2020 23rd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR). pp. 6., more
- De Cubber, G.; Haelterman, R. (2019). Optimized distributed scheduling for a fleet of heterogeneous unmanned maritime systems, in: Harman, T.L. et al. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR). pp. 7., more
- Pinto, J.; Ribeiro, M.; Giodini, S.; L'Hoir, P.; Sartore, A.; Giron-Sierra, J.M.; Braga, J.; Sousa, J. (2017). Network enabled cooperation of autonomous vehicles: a communications perspective, in: OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen. pp. 6., more
- Marques, M.M.; Parreira, R.; Lobo, V.; Martins, A.; Matos, A.; Cruz, N.; Almeida, J.M.; Alves, J.C.; Silva, E.; Bedkowski, J.; Majek, K.; Pelka, M.; Musialik, P.; Ferreira, H.; Dias, A.; Ferreira, B.; Amaral, G.; Figueiredo, A.; Almeida, R.; Silva, F.; Serrano, D.; Moreno, G.; De Cubber, G.; Balta, H.; Beglerovic, H. (2016). Use of multi-domain robots in search and rescue operations - contributions of the ICARUS team to the euRathlon 2015 challenge, in: OCEANS 2016 - Shanghai. pp. 7, more
- Papili, S.; Jenkins, C.; Roche, M.; Wever, T.; Lopera, O.; Van Lancker, V. (2015). Influence of shells and shell debris on backscatter strength: Investigation using modeling, sonar measurements and sampling on the Belgian Continental Shelf. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 37(1): 7 pp, more
- Lopera, O.; Liu, W. (2014). An introductory study for applying single-pass interferometry to hull mounted sonar data for target height estimation, in: Proceedings of EUSAR 2014; 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar. pp. 4, more
- Mersch, E.; Yvinec, Y.; Dupont, Y.; Neyt, X.; Druyts, P. (2014). Underwater magnetic target localization and characterization using a three-axis gradiometer, in: Oceans 2014 - Taipei. pp. 6., more
- Barros, A.S.; Van Hespen, I. (2013). Maritime security: current challenges. Policy Brief, 20. Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies: Leuven. , more
- O'Hagan, D.W.; Capria, A.; Petri, D.; Kubica, V.; Greco, M.; Berizzi, F.; Stove, A.G. (2012). Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) for harbour protection applications, in: 2012 IEEE Radar Conference. pp. 5., more
- Laurent, E.; Mathieux, A.; Bras, R.; Vertommen, J.; De Smedt, P. (1971). Mineralogische studie van de aanslibbing in de Schelde: rapport nr. 1. Opzoekingen gedaan in het kader van de studie van de herkomst van de slibben van de Schelde onder de leiding van het Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium, Borgerhout = Etude mineralogique de l'envasement de l'Escaut: rapport no 1. Recherche effectuée dans le cadre de l'étude de l'envasement de l'Escaut sous la direction du Laboratoire de Recherches Hydrauliques, Borgerhout. Koninklijke Militaire School. Laboratorium van Aardkunde = Ecole royale Militaire. Laboratoire de Géologie: Brussel. 56 + tab. pp., more
- DISARM: Dumpsites of munitions: Integrated Science Approach to Risk and Management, more
- SCHELDT: Airborne hyperspectral potential for coastal biogeochemistry of the Scheldt Estuary and plume, more