University of Dar es Salaam; Faculty of Aquatic Sciences and Technology (FAST), more
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- A comparative study of the meio-epifauna associated with tropical and cold water coral reefs, more
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Gheerardyn, H.; De Troch, M.; Ndaro, G.M.; Raes, M.; Vincx, M.; Vanreusel, A. (2008). Community structure and microhabitat preferences of harpacticoid copepods in a tropical reef lagoon (Zanzibar, Tanzania). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 88(4): 747-758., more
- Raes, M.; De Troch, M.; Ndaro, G.M.; Muthumbi, A.; Guilini, K.; Vanreusel, A. (2007). The structuring role of microhabitat type in coral degradation zones: a case study with marine nematodes from Kenya and Zanzibar. Coral Reefs 26(1): 113-126., more
- Ólafsson, E.; Carlström, S.; Ndaro, G.M. (2000). Meiobenthos of hypersaline tropical mangrove sediment in relation to spring tide inundation. Hydrobiologia 426: 57-64., more
Book chapter [show] |
- Ólafsson, E.; Carlström, S.; Ndaro, G.M. (2000). Meiobenthos of hypersaline tropical mangrove sediment in relation to spring tide inundation, in: Liebezeit, G. et al. Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Developments in Hydrobiology, 151: pp. 57-64., more
Other publications (2) [show] |
- Gheerardyn, H.; De Troch, M.; Ndaro, G.M.; Raes, M.; Vincx, M.; Vanreusel, A. (2008). Community structure and microhabitat preferences of harpacticoid copepods in a tropical reef lagoon (Zanzibar, Tanzania), in: Tenth International Conference on Copepoda, July 13-19, 2008, Pattaya, Thailand: Abstract book. pp. 48, more
- Gheerardyn, H.; De Troch, M.; Ndaro, G.M.; Raes, M.; Vincx, M.; Vanreusel, A. (2007). Community structure and microhabitat preferences of harpacticoid copepods in a tropical reef lagoon (Zanzibar, Tanzania), in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [Poster 98], more