Wageningen University and Research Centre; Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies; Vestiging Ijmuiden, more
Function: Researcher
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +31-(0)317-48 71 80
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- 2023_european_eel_meuse: Winter, HV; Griffioen, AB; van Keeken, OA; van der Hammen, T; van Rijssel, JC.; (2023); 2023_Acoustic telemetry data for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Meuse around hydropower stations Lith and Linne., more
A1 Publications (5) [show] |
- Pita, P.; Ainsworth, G.B.; Alba, B.; Anderson, A.B.; Antelo, M.; Alós, J.; Artetxe, I.; Baudrier, J.; Castro, J.J.; Chicharro, B.; Erzini, K.; Ferter, K.; Freitas, M.; García-de-la-Fuente, L.; García Chartón, J.-A.; Giménez-Casalduero, M.; Grau, A.M.; Diogo, H.; Gordoa, A.; Henriques, F.; Hyder, K.; Jiménez Alvarado, D.; Karachle, P.K.; Lloret, J.; Laporta, M.; Lejk, A.M.; Dedeu, A.L.; Martín-Sosa, P.; Martínez, L.; Mira, A.M.; Morales-Nin, B.; Mugerza, E.; Olesen, H.J.; Papadopoulos, A.; Pontes, J.; Pascual-Fernández, J.J.; Purroy, A.; Ramires, M.; Rangel, M.; Reis-Filho, J.A.; Sánchez-Lizaso, J.L.; Sandoval, V.; Sbragaglia, V.; Silva, L.; Skov, C.; Sola, I.; Strehlow, H.V.; Torres, M.A.; Ustups, D.; van der Hammen, T.; Veiga, P.; Venerus, L.A.; Verleye, T.; Villasante, S.; Weltersbach, M.S.; Zarauz, L. (2021). First assessment of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global marine recreational fisheries. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 735741. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.735741, more
- Skov, C.; Hyder, K.; Gundelund, C.; Ahvonen, A.; Baudrier, J.; Borch, T.; deCarvalho, S.; Erzini, K.; Ferter, K.; Grati, F.; van der Hammen, T.; Hinriksson, J.; Houtman, R.; Kagervall, A.; Kapiris, K.; Karlsson, M.; Lejk, A.M.; Lyle, J.M.; Martinez-Escauriaza, R.; Moilanen, P.; Mugerza, E.; Olesen, H.J.; Papadopoulos, A.; Pita, P.; Pontes, J.; Radford, Z.; Radtke, K.; Rangel, M.; Sagué, O.; Sande, H.A.; Strehlow, H.V.; Tutiņš, R.; Veiga, P.; Verleye, T.; Vølstad, J.H.; Watson, J.W.; Weltersbach, M.S.; Ustups, D.; Venturelli, P.A. (2021). Expert opinion on using angler Smartphone apps to inform marine fisheries management: status, prospects, and needs. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 78(3): 967-978. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa243, more
- Hyder, K.; Weltersbach, M.S.; Armstrong, M.; Ferter, K.; Townhill, B.; Ahvonen, A.; Arlinghaus, R.; Baikov, A.; Bellanger, M.; Birzaks, J.; Borch, T.; Cambie, G.; de Graaf, M.; Diogo, H.M.C.; Dziemian, L.; Gordoa, A.; Grzebielec, R.; Hartill, B.; Kagervall, A.; Kapiris, K.; Karlsson, M.; Kleiven, A.R.; Lejk, A.M.; Levrel, H.; Lovell, S.; Lyle, J.; Moilanen, P.; Monkman, G.; Morales-Nin, B.; Mugerza, E.; Martinez, R.; O'Reilly, P.; Olesen, H.J.; Papadopoulos, A.; Pita, P.; Radford, Z.; Radtke, K.; Roche, W.; Rocklin, D.; Ruiz, J.; Scougal, C.; Silvestri, R.; Skov, C.; Steinback, S.; Sundelöf, A.; Svagzdys, A.; Turnbull, D.; van der Hammen, T.; van Voorhees, D.; van Winsen, F.; Verleye, T.; Veiga, P.; Vølstad, J.H.; Zarauz, L.; Zolubas, T.; Strehlow, H.V. (2018). Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context - Participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment. Fish Fish. 19(2): 225–243. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/faf.12251, more
- van der Hammen, T.; de Graaf, M.; Lyle, J.M. (2016). Estimating catches of marine and freshwater recreational fisheries in the Netherlands using an online panel survey. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 73(2): 441-450. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsv190, more
- Groot, M.H.M.; Bogotá, R.G.; Lourens, L.J.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Vriend, M.; Berrio, J.C.; Tuenter, E.; Van der Plicht, J.; van Geel, B.; Ziegler, M.; Weber, S.L.; Betancourt, A.; Contreras, L.; Gaviria, S.; Giraldo, C.; González, N.; Jansen, J.H.F.; Konert, M.; Ortega, D.; Rangel, O.; Sarmiento, G.; Vandenberghe, J.; Van der Hammen, T.; van der Linden, M.; Westerhoff, W. (2011). Ultra-high resolution pollen record from the northern Andes reveals rapid shifts in montane climates within the last two glacial cycles. Clim. Past 7(1): 299-316, more
Reports (3) [show] |
- van der Hammen, T. (2019). Loodverlies en het gebruik van loodvervangers in de sportvisserij (2018-2019). CVO (Centrum voor Visserijonderzoek) Report, 19.016A. Stichting Wageningen Research, Centrum voor Visserijonderzoek (CVO): IJmuiden. 13 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.18174/503923, more
- van der Hammen, T.; de Graaf, M. (2013). Recreational fishery in the Netherlands: demographics and catch estimates in marine and fresh water. IMARES Wageningen Report, C147/13. IMARES Wageningen UR: IJmuiden. 33 pp., more
- van der Hammen, T.; de Graaf, M. (2012). Recreational fishery in the Netherlands: catch estimates of cod (Gadus morhua) and eel (Anguilla anguilla) in 2010. IMARES Wageningen Report, C014/12. IMARES Wageningen UR: [s.l.]. 61 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Schiphouwer, M.; Groen, M.; Van Wichelen, J.; Onkelinx, I.; Griffioen, B.; van der Hammen, T.; Huisman, J. (2023). Glasaal langs de lat: Bundeling van Nederlandse en Belgische glasaalseries leidt tot robuust inzicht. Visionair: het vakblad van Sportvisserij Nederland 17(70): 28-31, more