Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences Appliquées; Urban and Environmental Engineering; Architecture Navale, Génie Maritime, Navigation Intérieure et Maritime, Analyse des Systèmes de Transport (ANAST), more
Thiry, A.; Bair, F.; Buldgen, L.; Raboni, G.; Rigo, P. (2011). Optimization of monopile offshore wind structures, in: Soares, C.G. et al. (Ed.) Advances in Marine Structures. pp. 633-642, more
Caprace, J.-D.; Bair, F.; Rigo, P. (2010). Least weight and least cost optimisation of a passenger vessel. Sci.J. Ser. Math. Modelling Civ. Eng. (Tech. Univ. Civ. Eng. Buchar., Print) 2: 17-26, more