Delft University of Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences; Department of Environmental Fluidmechanics, more
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A1 Publications (9) [show] |
de Vet, P.L.M.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; Herman, P.M.J.; Bouma, T.J.; Van Maren, D.S.; Walles, B.; van der Werf, J.J.; Ysebaert, T.J.W.; van Zanten, E.; Wang, Z.B. (2024). Response of estuarine morphology to storm surge barriers, closure dams and sea level rise. Geomorphology (Amst.) 467: 109462., more
Wiesebron, L.E.; Cheng, C.; de Vet, L.; Walles, B.; van Donk, S.; van Dalen, J.; van de Lageweg, W.; Ysebaert, T.; Bouma, T.J. (2024). How restoration engineering measures can enhance the ecological value of intertidal flats. Restor. Ecol. 32(8): e14247., more
Zheng, J.; Elmilady, H.; Röbke, B.R.; Taal, M.; Wang, Z.B.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; de Vet, P.L.M.; van der Wegen, M. (2021). The impact of wind‐waves and sea level rise on the morphodynamics of a sandy estuarine shoal. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 46(15): 3045-3062., more
de Vet, P.L.M.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; Colosimo, I.; Ysebaert, T.; Herman, P.M.J.; Wang, Z.B. (2020). Sediment disposals in estuarine channels alter the eco‐morphology of intertidal flats. JGR: Earth Surface 125(2): e2019JF005432., more
de Vet, P.L.M.; van Prooijen, B.C.; Colosimo, I.; Steiner, N.; Ysebaert, T.J.W.; Herman, P.; Wang, Z.B. (2020). Variations in storm-induced bed level dynamics across intertidal flats. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 12877., more
- van der Werf, J.J.; de Vet, P.L.M.; Boersema, M.P.; Bouma, T.J.; Nolte, A.J.; Schrijvershof, R.A.; Soissons, L.M.; Stronkhorst, J.; van Zanten, E.; Ysebaert, T. (2019). An integral approach to design the Roggenplaat intertidal shoal nourishment. Ocean Coast. Manag. 172: 30-40., more
De Vet, P.L.M.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; Schrijvershof, R.A.; van der Werf, J.J.; Ysebaert, T.J.W.; Schrijver, M.C.; Wang, Z.B. (2018). The importance of combined tidal and meteorological forces for the flow and sediment transport on intertidal shoals. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface 123(10): 2464-2480., more
de Vet, P.L.M.; van Prooijen, B.C.; Wang, Z.B. (2017). The differences in morphological development between the intertidal flats of the Eastern and Western Scheldt. Geomorphology (Amst.) 281: 31-42., more
- Wang, Z.B.; Van Maren, D.S.; Ding, P.X.; Yang, S.L.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; De Vet, P.L.M.; Winterwerp, J.C.; de Vriend, H.J.; Stive, M.J.F.; He, Q. (2015). Human impacts on morphodynamic thresholds in estuarine systems. Cont. Shelf Res. 111(part B): 174-183., more
Book [show] |
van der Werf, J.; van Oyen, T.; De Maerschalck, B.; Nnafie, A.; van Rooijen, A.; Taal, M.; Tonnon, P.K.; Verwaest, T.; de Vet, L.; Vroom, J.; Van der Wegen, M. (2015). Modeling the hydro-morphodynamics of the mouth of the Scheldt estuary. IAHR: The Hague. 9 pp., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Wiesebron, L.; Cheng, C.; de Vet, L.; Walles, B.; van de Lageweg, W.; Bouma, T. (2022). Comparing management measures to enhance the ecological value of intertidal flat, in: Wetenschappelijk Scheldesymposium 17 november 2022: book of abstracts. pp. 5-6, more
van der Werf, J.; Van Oyen, T.; De Maerschalck, B.; Nnafie, A.; van Rooijen, A.; Taal, M.; Verwaest, T.; de Vet, L.; Vroom, J.; Van der Wegen, M. (2015). Modeling the morphodynamics of the mouth of the Scheldt estuary, in: Scheldt Estuary: physics and integrated management - Special Session on of the 36th IAHR WORLD CONGRESS, 28 June – 3 July, 2015, Delft and The Hague, the Netherlands. pp. 80-86, more
Thesis [show] |
de Vet, P.L.M. (2020). Intertidal flats in engineered estuaries. PhD Thesis. Delft University of Technology: Delft. ISBN 978-94-6384-123-8. xii, 123 pp., more
Abstracts (5) [show] |
Wiesebron, L.; Cheng, C.; de Vet, L.; Walles, B.; Bouma, T. (2022). Intertidal flat alterations enhance their ecological value, in: NCK days 2022. Coastal adaptation to climate change: fight or flight?. pp. 21, more
van de Lageweg, W.; de Paiva, J.S.; van der Werf, J.; de Vet, L.; de Louw, P.; Bouma, T.J.; Walles, B.; Ysebaert, T.; van Berchum, A. (2020). Monitoring of groundwater, morphological and ecological development of the Perkpolder managed realignment following tidal restoration, in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 May, 2020. pp. 20115., more
Schrijvershof, R.A.; van der Werf, J.; De Vet, P.L.M.; Willemsen, G. (2017). Understanding sediment disposals on the Walsoorden tidal flat in the Western Scheldt, in: Baptist, M. et al. (Ed.) NCK days 2017, 15 – 17 March, Royal Netherlands Naval College (KIM), Den Helder: book of abstracts. pp. 93, more
de Vet, P.L.M.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; Wang, Z.B. (2016). Human impact on intertidal flats in the Eastern and Western Scheldt, in: NCK days 2016, 16 - 18 March: book of abstracts. pp. 63, more
de Vet, L.; Van Prooijen, B.; Wang, Z.B. (2015). Towards a classification of the morphological development of intertidal flats: a comparison between the Eastern and Western Scheldt, in: NCK - days 2015: book of abstracts, March 18-20, 2015. pp. 57, more
Reports (5) [show] |
Cheng, C.H.; van Belzen, J.; de Smit, J.; Suykerbuyk, W.; Grandjean, T.; Stoorvogel, M.; van Dalen, J.; de Vet, L.; Bouma, T.J.; Ysebaert, T. (2022). T0-monitoring Natuurimpuls Oosterschelde. Wageningen Marine Research Report, C047/22. IMARES: Yerseke. 60 pp., more
Cleveringa, J.; de Vet, L.; van der Werf, J.; van Dijk, W. (2022). Morfologische ontwikkeling Schaar van Valkenisse. Arcadis: Zwolle. 60 pp., more
Walles, B.; van Donk, S.; Hamer, A.; Wijsman, J.; Ysebaert, T.J.W.; Rurangwa, E.; de Vet, L.; van der Werf, J.; van Dalen, J.; Bouma, T.J.; Slager, A. (2021). Roggenplaatsuppletie (Oosterschelde): ontwikkelingen voor (T0: 2015 – 2019) en het eerste jaar na aanleg (T1: 2020) van de suppleties. Wageningen Marine Research Report, C038/21. Wageningen Marine Research: Yerseke. 168 pp., more
Schrijvershof, R.; Röbke, B.; de Vet, L.; van der Werf, J.; Van der Valk, B. (2017). Morfologisch advies broedeilanden. Principestudie en pilot Hooge Springer. Deltares: Delft. ii, 46 + annex pp., more
Van der Wegen, M.; van der Werf, J.J.; De Vet, P.L.M.; Röbke, B.R. (2017). Hindcasting Westerschelde mouth morphodynamics (1963-2011). Deltares: Delft. ii, 32 + appendices pp., more