University of Plymouth; Faculty of Science and Engineering; School of Biological and Marine Sciences, more
Function: Senior Research Fellow Direct contact at institute: E-mail:
Fisheries Innovation for sustainable Shared INTerchannEL resources, more
Sheehan, Emma V.; University of Plymouth School of Marine and Biological Sciences, UK (2015) Species composition and sediment properties of maerl bed habitats in Falmouth Harbour, UK using towed underwater video and diver cores., more
FISHINTEL: Sheehan, E.; Couturier, L.; Hawkes, L.; Hooper, T.; Horton, T; Laurans, M.; Muñiz, C.; Reubens, J.; Stamp, T.; Witt, M.; Woillez, M.; 2021. Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources (FISH INTEL)., more
University of Plymouth (2021): 2009 University of Plymouth Wave Hub, Cornwall towed underwater video baseline benthic survey. v1.2. Marine Biological Association. Dataset/Samplingevent, more
University of Plymouth (2021): 2010 University of Plymouth Guernsey towed underwater video benthic survey. v1.2. Marine Biological Association. Dataset/Samplingevent., more
University of Plymouth (2021): 2012 University of Plymouth Jersey towed underwater video Epifauna survey. v1.1. Marine Biological Association. Dataset/Samplingevent., more
University of Plymouth (2021): 2013 University of Plymouth Flamborough Head (UK) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) towed underwater video condition assessment of epibenthic communities and biotopes. v1.2. Marine Biological Association. Dataset/Samplingevent, more
University of Plymouth (2021): 2013 University of Plymouth Thanet Coast (UK) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) towed underwater video condition assessment of epibenthic communities and biotopes. v1.1. Marine Biological Association. Dataset/Samplingevent., more
FISP: University of Plymouth. 2023. Fisheries Industry Science Partnership (FISP), more