Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences Appliquées; Urban and Environmental Engineering; Laboratoire d'hydraulique des constructions (HECE), more
Institutional address:
Chemin des Chevreuils, 1 B52/3
4000 Luik
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A1 Publications (6) [show] |
- Erpicum, S.; Kitsikoudis, V.; Archambeau, P.; Dewals, B.; Pirotton, M. (2022). Experimental assessment of the influence of fish passage geometry parameters on downstream migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts behavior. Water 14(4): 616. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w14040616, more
- Bouaziz, J.E.; Fenicia, F.; Thirel, G.; de Boer-Euser, T.; Buitink, J.; Brauer, C.; De Niel, J.; Dewals, B.; Drogues, G.; Grelier, B.; Melsen, L.; Moustakas, S.; Nossent, J.; Pereira, F.; Sprokkereef, E.; Stam, J.; Weerts, A.H.; Willems, P.; Savenije, H.H.G.; Hrachowitz, M. (2021). Behind the scenes of streamflow model performance. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 25(2): 1069-1095. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-1069-2021, more
- Renardy, S.; Takriet, A.; Benitez, J.-P.; Dierckx, A.; Baeyens, R.; Coeck, J.; Pauwels, I.S.; Mouton, A.; Archambeau, P.; Dewals, B.; Pirotton, M.; Erpicum, S.; Ovidio, M. (2021). Trying to choose the less bad route: Individual migratory behaviour of Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar L.) approaching a bifurcation between a hydropower station and a navigation canal. Ecol. Eng. 169: 106304. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106304, more
- de Boer-Euser, T.; Bouaziz, L.; De Niel, J.; Brauer, C.; Dewals, B.; Drogue, G.; Fenicia, F.; Grelier, B.; Nossent, J.; Pereira, F.; Savenije, H.H.G.; Thirel, G.; Willems, P. (2017). Looking beyond general metrics for model comparison: lessons from an international model intercomparison study. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 21(1): 423-440. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hess-21-423-2017, more
- de Boer-Euser, T.; Bouaziz, L.; De Niel, J.; Brauer, C.; Dewals, B.; Drogue, G.; Fenicia, F.; Grelier, B.; Nossent, J.; Pereira, F.; Savenije, H.H.G.; Thirel, G.; Willems, P. (2017). Supplement of Looking beyond general metrics for model comparison: lessons from an international model intercomparison study. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 21: suppl. (39 p.), more
- Dufresne, M.; Dewals, B.J.; Erpicum, S.; Archambeau, P.; Pirotton, M. (2010). Classification of flow patterns in rectangular shallow reservoirs. J. Hydraul. Res. 48(2): 197-204. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221681003704236, more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
- Renardy, S.; Ciraane, U.D.; Benitez, J.P.; Dierckx, A.; Gelder, J.; Silva, A.T.; Archambeau, P.; Dewals, B.; Pirotton, M.; Erpicum, S.; Ovidio, M. (2023). Assessment of the attractiveness and passage efficiency of different fish passage solutions at a hydropower plant by combining fine scale 2D-telemetry and hydraulic numerical modelling. Environments 10(7): 107. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/environments10070107, more
- Dewals, B.; Archambeau, P.; Erpicum, S.; Pirotton, M. (2015). Flood risk in Liège area: a transnational perspective. Hydrolink 3: 87-89, more
Books (2) [show] |
- Erpicum, S.; Dewals, B.; Archambeau, P.; Pirotton, M. (Ed.) (2016). Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change. CRC Press/Balkema: London. ISBN 978-1-138-02977-4. xxi, 194 pp., more
- Dewals, B.; Fournier, M. (Ed.) (2013). Transboundary water management in a changing climate: proceedings of the AMICE final conference, Sedan, France, 13-15 March 2013. Taylor & Francis: London. ISBN 978-1-138-00039-1. XII, 109 pp., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Dewals, B.; Drogue, G.; Erpicum, S.; Pirotton, M.; Archambeau, P. (2013). Impact of climate change on inundation hazard along the river Meuse, in: Dewals, B. et al. (Ed.) Transboundary water management in a changing climate: proceedings of the AMICE final conference, Sedan, France, 13-15 March 2013. pp. 19-27, more
- Dewals, B.; Detrembleur, S.; Becker, B.; Moeskops, S.; Erpicum, S.; de Keizer, O.; Vanneuville, W.; Buiteveld, H.; Pirotton, M.; Archambeau, P. (2012). Transboundary assessment of the effect of climate change on river Meuse: flood wave selection for hydraulic modelling from Ampsin (B) to Maaseik (Nl), in: 2nd IAHR Europe Congress: Water infinitely deformable but still limited, 27. - 29. June 2012, TUM / Munich. pp. [1-6], more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
- Ernst, J.; Dewals, B.J.; Giron, E.; Hecq, W.; Pirotton, M. (2008). Integrating hydraulic and economic analysis for selecting flood protection measures in the context of climate change, in: Simonovic, S.P. et al. Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on flood defence: managing flood risk, reliability and vulnerability (ISFD 2008), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 6-8, 2008. , more
- Bachus, K.; Coninx, I.; De Smet, L.; De Sutter, R.; Dewals, B. (2007). Adapt - towards an integrated decision support tool for adaptation measures to climate change-induced flooding, in: Congres watersysteemkennis, donderdag 6 en vrijdag 7 december 2007, Universiteit Antwerpen: abstracts van presentaties en posters. pp. [6], more
Reports (6) [show] |
- Sinaba, B.; Huber, N.; Fournier, M.; Bauwens, A.; Buiteveld, H.; Brede, R.; Deckers, P.; Degré, A.; De Keizer, O.; Detrembleur, S.; Dewals, B.; Guilmin, E.; Marmisse, C.; Pirotton, M.; Pontegnie, D.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Vanneuville, W.; Ward, P. (2012). Bepaling van de impact van toekomstige overstromingen op de economie in het transnationale Maasstroomgebied: rapport WP1 - actie 7. IWW-RWTH/LFI-RWTH/CETMEF/ULg-Gx-ABT/ULg-HECE/FHR/RWS: [s.l.]. 12 pp., more
- Sinaba, B.; Huber, N.; Fournier, M.; Bauwens, A.; Buiteveld, H.; Brede, R.; Deckers, P.; De Keizer, O.; Detrembleur, S.; Dewals, B.; Guilmin, E.; Hissel, F.; Kufeld, M.; Marmisse, C.; Pirotton, M.; Pontegnie, D.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Vanneuville, W.; Ward, P. (2012). Quantification of the impacts of future floods on the economy in the transnational Meuse basin: WP1 report - action 7. IWW-RWTH/LFI-RWTH/CETMEF/ULg-Gx-ABT/Ulg-HACH/FHR/RWS: [s.l.]. 93 pp., more
- Detrembleur, S.; Dewals, B.J.; Fournier, M.; Becker, B.; Guilmin, E.; Moeskops, S.; Kufeld, M.; Archambeau, P.; De Keizer, O.; Pontegnie, D.; Huber, N.P.; Vanneuville, W.; Buiteveld, H.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Pirotton, M. (2011). Effecten van klimaatveranderingen op de Maas: hydraulische simulatie van bron tot monding. Samenvatting rapport WP1 - Actie 6. Ulg-HACH/EPAMA/RWTH/Deltares/FHR: [s.l.]. 12 pp., more
- Drogue, G.; Fournier, M.; Bauwens, A.; Commeaux, F.; De Keizer, O.; François, D.; Guilmin, E.; Degré, A.; Detrembleur, S.; Dewals, B.J.; Pirotton, M.; Pontegnie, D.; Sohier, C.; Vanneuville, W. (2010). Analysis of climate change, high-flows and low-flows scenarios on the Meuse basin: WP1 report - Action 3. Deltares/EPAMA/Flanders Hydraulics Research/Gx-ABT/Rijkswaterstaat/RWTH Aachen/Université de Liége/UPVM: [s.l.]. 69 + appendices pp., more
- Drogue, G.; Fournier, M.; Bauwens, A.; Buiteveld, H.; Commeaux, F.; Degré, A.; De Keizer, O.; Detrembleur, S.; Dewals, B.J.; François, D.; Guilmin, E.; Hausmann, B.; Hissel, F.; Huber, N.; Lebaut, S.; Losson, B.; Kufeld, M.; Nacken, H.; Pirotton, M.; Pontégnie, D.; Sohier, C.; Vanneuville, W. (2010). Analysis of climate change, high-flows and low-flows scenarios on the Meuse: WP1 report summary - actions 1 & 3. CETMEF/EPAMA/FHR/Rijkswaterstaat/RWTH Aachen/ULg-Gx-ABT/Ulg-HACH/UPVM: [s.l.]. 12 pp., more
- Drogue, G.; Fournier, M.; Bauwens, A.; Buiteveld, H.; Commeaux, F.; Degré, A.; De Keizer, O.; Detrembleur, S.; Dewals, B.J.; François, D.; Guilmin, E.; Hausmann, B.; Hissel, F.; Huber, N.; Lebaut, S.; Losson, B.; Kufeld, M.; Nacken, H.; Pirotton, M.; Pontégnie, D.; Sohier, C.; Vanneuville, W. (2010). Analysis of climate change, high-flows and low-flows scenarios on the Meuse: WP1 report summary - actions 1 & 3. CETMEF/EPAMA/FHR/Rijkswaterstaat/RWTH Aachen/ULg-Gx-ABT/Ulg-HACH/UPVM: [s.l.]. 12 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- De Sutter, R.; Hecq, W.; De Groof, A.; Bachus, K.; Coninx, I.; Meire, P.; El Kahloun, M.; Dewals, B.J.; Pirotton, M.; De Smet, L. (2007). Naar een evenwaardige beoordeling van ecologische, economische en sociale effecten van de toename aan overstromingen door de klimaatsverandering: het ADAPT verhaal. Water: Tijdschrift over Integraal Waterbeleid 33: 1-7, more