With this project, the partners want to lay the basis for the development of integrated water management in the Scheldt River basin District. They are investigating the feasibility of the guidance documents that the European Union has provided in connection with the Common Implementation Strategy. Most of the project's actions are of importance for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the entire river basin district. The experience accumulated will later on benefit all international river basin districts in the European Union and the Candidate Member States.
From January 2007 onwards, the Province of Zeeland is no longer partner in this project.
The action programme for the Scaldit project is constructed around five themes:
Characterisations of the river basin district
Data and information management
Water management and spatial planning
Communication and public participation
Up to the international river basin management plan
(2004). Scaldit-rapport - Transnationale analyse van de toestandsbeschrijving voor het internationale stroomgebiedsdistrict van de Schelde: pilootproject voor het testen van de Europese richtsnoeren. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM): Erembodegem. IX, 194 + cd-rom pp., more