Parent project: Development of modelling tools in decision support instruments for coastal zone management (CZM), more Acronym: SurCoMMoDe Period: August 2005 till November 2010 Status: Completed
The research part of the Own Initiative project “Development of modelling tools in decision support instruments for coastal zone management“ has received the name "Suriname Coast Morphodynamic Model Development", SurCoMMoDe in short. From the name it is clear that the aim of the research project is the development of a set of models which will help to understand the morphodynamic development of the Suriname Coast. Models need data. Therefore, data collection forms an important part of the project, involving both the collection of avaliable data from third parties, as well as the collection of new data with new measurement equipment. Finally, all these data need to be processed, stored and managed. The third major part thus consists of the set-up of a data base for coastal zone data and information.