Msc Onderzoek aan UTwente door Marnix Riepen dat kadert in het SALTIsolutions project waar WL ook bij betrokken is.
Exploring the effects of vegetated intertidal areas on salt-intrusion in the Western Scheldt, the Netherlands. Exploring the effects of vegetated intertidal flats, both fringing and mid-channel, on estuary scale hydrodynamics, mainly focussing on the salt intrusion length. The set-up of these systems can differ in location, elevation, size and vegetation cover amongst others.
Gebruikte tools:
Numeriek model van de Schelde: Nevla2D in de Delft3D vorm, te runnen op HPC in Nederland. Inspanning WL is methodologische begeleiding, klankbord en revisie van tussen- en eindresultaat.
Piepen, M. (2024). Location of Managed Realignment Sites in Scheldt Estruary has Opposing Effect on Salt Intrusion. MSc Thesis. University of Twente, Faculty of Engineering Technology: Twente. 34 pp., more
Riepen, M. (2024). Location of Managed Realignment Sites in Scheldt Estuary has Opposing Effect on Salt Intrusion. MSc Thesis. University of Twente: Twente. 34 pp., more