Within the framework of the revision of the maritime spatial plan for the Belgian part of the North Sea (2020-2026), a trajectory was initiated in 2016 for the development of a long-term vision for the Belgian maritime policy (horizon 2050). Within three working groups (Naturalness, Multiple Use of Space and Blue Economy and Innovation), representatives from science, policy, industry, civil society organisations and society came together to reflect on the main challenges, threats and opportunities for the Belgian part of the North Sea.
After the launch of the North Sea Vision 2050 in December 2017, the State Secretary for the North Sea, Philippe De Backer, considered it desirable to continue the unique dynamics of this process in an independent Think Tank North Sea. In cooperation with the scientific and government institutions which were already involved in the North Sea Vision 2050, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) are taking on the leading role of this think tank. The Think Tank North Sea has a threefold objective in relation to North Sea themes: Broadening support and coordination; Being a breeding ground for the development of a vision and the formulation of scientifically based advice. In recent months, the steering committee of the Think Tank North Sea has met several times in order to draw up sound and transparent internal rules of procedure and to define the process.
The request is launched for themes to be considered by the think tank. This bottom-up approach allows all stakeholders and interested parties to bring up points for discussion. Relevant discussion topics can be delivered to the Think Tank North Sea (info@thinktanknorthsea.be) in the following template. In autumn the topics with the most interest will be selected. It is foreseen that the first working group(s) will start around the turn of the year.
Below some exemplary themes are given which were already developed by the steering committee and may act as inspiration:
In case of questions? info@thinktanknorthsea.be
For more information? http://www.thinktanknorthsea.be/