De onderzoeksgroep Paleontologie en Paleomilieus werd opgericht in 1960. De groep richt zich vooral op de reconstructie van paleomilieus en de evolutie van het leven vanaf het oude Paleozoïcum tot het huidige Antropoceen. Het onderzoek geeft inzicht in wanneer, hoe en in welk tempo milieus en het klimaat in het verleden veranderden, en hoe dit samenging met de evolutie van het leven op aarde.
De kernspecialisatie van de onderzoeksgroep is palynologie (de studie van microfossielen met een organische wand). Studies variëren van de overblijfselen van oude kleine mariene planktonische organismen tot de sporen en pollen van moderne bomen. De groep bestudeert de ruimtelijke en temporele verspreiding van deze fossielen, samen met hun geochemische samenstelling, en bestudeert ook andere en grotere fossielen (bv. geleedpotigen). De groep maakt gebruik van stratigrafische methoden, sedimentologie, geologische veldwaarnemingen en complexe numerieke klimaatmodellen. Gecombineerd informeren deze gegevens ons hoe oude ijskappen groeiden en weer verdwenen, hoe oceanen en zeeleven evolueerden, hoe de biosfeer, oceanen en atmosfeer op elkaar inwerkten, hoe en wanneer de mens zich in onze regio vestigde en welke processen de evolutie van het leven bepalen. Onderzoek naar de manier waarop het leven op aarde in het verleden op grote milieuveranderingen heeft gereageerd, kan helpen voorspellen hoe het in de toekomst zal reageren.
De huidige specifieke onderzoeksprojecten betreffen:
- paleoecologie van Neogene en Quartaire dinoflagellatencysten;
- het gebruik van dinoflagellatencysten als een proxy voor paleoecologische veranderingen;
- de ontwikkeling en validering van klimaatproxies op basis van Neogene en Quartaire dinoflagellatencysten;
- biostratigrafie van Cenozoïsche dinoflagellatencysten;
- het gebruik van pollen als proxy voor vegetatie en quartaire paleomilieureconstructies;
- paleoecologie en biostratigrafie van midden-Palaeozoïsche chitinozoën en acritarchen;
- fossiele teratologie als paleomilieuproxy;
- paleomilieu- en paleoklimaatreconstructies uit het Ordovicium en het Siluur;
- geochemische karakterisering van paleozoïsche en Cenozoïsche palynomorfen;
- paleobiologie van uitzonderlijk bewaard gebleven paleozoïsche biota;
- stabiele isotopenanalyses (O/C) van fossiel plankton;
- milieutriggers van grootschalige macro-evolutionaire gebeurtenissen, met inbegrip van grote radiaties en massa-exincties in het Paleozoïcum en Mesozoïcum.
Engelse naam: Palaeontology and Palaeo-environments Research Group
Overkoepelend instituut: Universiteit Gent; Vakgroep Geologie (UGent), meer
Adres: Krijgslaan 281 (S8)
9000 Gent België
| | Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 46 14
| |
Type: Wetenschappelijk
1 Directeur: Hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep/afdeling 2 Mariene onderzoeker: Is werkzaam in deze groep en treedt op als (co)auteur in minstens één mariene publicatie in de laatste 5 jaar. 3 Gespecialiseerd personeel: Levert administratieve of technische ondersteuning aan het zeewetenschappelijk onderzoek.
( 129 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
- Sangiorgi, F.; Quaijtaal, W.; Donders, T.H.; Schouten, S.; Louwye, S. (2021). Middle Miocene temperature and productivity evolution at a Northeast Atlantic shelf site (IODP U1318, Porcupine Basin): global and regional changes. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(7): e2020PA004059., meer
- Deckers, J.; Louwye, S. (2020). The architecture of the Kattendijk Formation and the implications on the early Pliocene depositional evolution of the southern margin of the North Sea Basin. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 323-331., meer
- Deckers, J.; Louwye, S.; Goolaerts, S. (2020). The internal division of the Pliocene Lillo Formation: correlation between Cone Penetration Tests and lithostratigraphic type sections. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 333-343., meer
- Goolaerts, S.; De Ceuster, J.; Mollen, F.H.; Gijsen, B.; Bosselaers, M.; Lambert, O.; Uchman, A.; Van Herck, M.; Adriaens, R.; Houthuys, R.; Louwye, S.; Bruneel, Y.; Elsen, J.; Hoedemakers, K. (2020). The upper Miocene Deurne Member of the Diest Formation revisited: unexpected results from the study of a large temporary outcrop near Antwerp International Airport, Belgium. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 219-252., meer
- Louwye, S.; Vandenberghe, N. (2020). A reappraisal of the stratigraphy of the upper Miocene unit X in the Maaseik core, eastern Campine area (northern Belgium). Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 289-295., meer
- Vandenberghe, N.; Louwye, S. (2020). An introduction to the Neogene stratigraphy of northern Belgium: present status. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 97-112., meer
- Gurdebeke, P.R.; Mertens, K.N.; Bogus, K.; Marret, F.; Chomérat, N.; Vrielinck, H.; Louwye, S. (2018). Taxonomic re-investigation and geochemical characterization of Reid’s (1974) species of Spiniferites from holotype and topotype material. Palynology 42(sup1): 93-110., meer
- Limoges, A.; Londeix, L.; Mertens, K.N.; Rochon, A.; Pospelova, V.; Cuellar, T.; de Vernal, A. (2018). Identification key for Pliocene and Quaternary Spiniferites taxa bearing intergonal processes based on observations from estuarine and coastal environments. Palynology 42(Sup 1): 72-88., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Carbonell-Moore, M.C.; Pospelova, V.; Head, M.J.; Highfield, A.; Schroeder, D.; Gu, H.; Andree, K.B.; Fernandez, M.; Yamaguchi, A.; Takano, Y.; Matsuoka, K.; Nézan, E.; Bilien, G.; Okolodkov, Y.; Koike, K.; Hoppenrath, M.; Pfaff, M.; Pitcher, G.; Al-Muftah, A.; Rochon, A.; Lim, P.T.; Leaw, C.P.; Lim, Z.F.; Ellegaard, M. (2018). Pentaplacodinium saltonense gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) and its relationship to the cyst-defined genus Operculodinium and yessotoxin-producing Protoceratium reticulatum. Harmful Algae 71: 57-77., meer
- Candel, M.S.; Louwye, S.; Borromei, A.M. (2017). Reconstruction of the late Holocene paleoenvironment of the western Beagle Channel (Argentina) based on a palynological analysis. Quaternary International 442(Part A): 2-12., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Gu, H.; Takano, Y.; Price, A.M.; Pospelova, V.; Bogus, K.; Versteegh, G.J.M.; Marret, F.; Turner, R.E.; Rabalais, N.N.; Matsuoka, K. (2017). The cyst-theca relationship of the dinoflagellate cyst Trinovantedinium pallidifulvum, with erection of Protoperidinium lousianensis sp. nov. and their phylogenetic position within the Conica group. Palynology 41(2): 183-202., meer
- Miján, I.; Louwye, S.; Lambert, O. (2017). A new Beneziphius beaked whale from the ocean floor off Galicia, Spain and biostratigraphic reassessment of the type species. Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 62(1): 211-220., meer
- Missiaen, T.; Jongepier, I.; Heirman, K.; Soens, T.; Gelorini, V.; Verniers, J.; Verhegge, J.; Crombé, P. (2017). Holocene landscape evolution of an estuarine wetland in relation to its human occupation and exploitation: Waasland Scheldt polders, northern Belgium. Geol. Mijnb. 96(1): 35-62., meer
- Mudie, P.J.; Marret, F.; Mertens, K.N.; Leroy, S.A.G. (2017). Atlas of modern dinoflagellate cyst distributions in the Black Sea Corridor: from Aegean to Aral Seas, including Marmara, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. Mar. Micropaleontol. 134: 1-152., meer
- Post, K.; Louwye, S.; Lambert, O. (2017). Scaldiporia vandokkumi, a new pontoporiid (Mammalia, Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Late Miocene to earliest Pliocene of the Westerschelde estuary (The Netherlands). PeerJ 5: e3991., meer
- Lambert, O.; Louwye, S. (2016). A new early Pliocene species of Mesoplodon: a calibration mark for the radiation of this species-rich beaked whale genus. J. Vertebr. Paleontol. 36(2): e1055754., meer
- Luo, Z.; Mertens, K.N.; Bagheri, S.; Aydin, H.; Takano, Y.; Matsuoka, K.; McCarthy, F.; Gu, H. (2016). Cyst-theca relationship and phylogenetic positions of Scrippsiella plana sp. nov. and S. spinifera (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae). Eur. J. Phycol. 51(2): 188-202., meer
- Luo, Z.; Krock, B.; Mertens, K.N.; Price, A.M.; Turner, R.E.; Rabalais, N.N.; Gu, H. (2016). Morphology, molecular phylogeny and azaspiracid profile of Azadinium poporum (Dinophyceae) from the Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae 55: 56-65., meer
- Marx, F.; Bosselaers, M.E.J.; Louwye, S. (2016). A new species of Metopocetus (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Cetotheriidae) from the Late Miocene of the Netherlands. PeerJ 4., meer
- Price, A.; Gurdebeke, P.R.; Mertens, K.N.; Pospelova, V. (2016). Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments III: Identifying the source of Lycopodium loss during palynological processing and further testing of the Lycopodium marker-grain method. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 226: 78-90., meer
- Sinha, H.N.; Verniers, J. (2016). Discovery of the chitinozoans Belonechitina capitata from the Shiala Formation of northeastern Garhwal-Kumaon Tethys Himalaya, Pithoragarh District, Uttrakhand, India. Geoscience Frontiers 7(5): 859-864., meer
- Steeman, T.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Williams, M.; Verniers, J.; Perrier, V.; Siveter, D.; Wilkinson, J.; Zalasiewicz, J.; Emsbo, P. (2016). Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Silurian Wenlock-Ludlow boundary succession of the Long Mountain, Powys, Wales. Geol. Mag. 153(1): 95-109., meer
- Steurbaut, E.; De Coninck, J.; Van Simaeys, S. (2016). Micropalaeontological dating of the Prémontré mammal fauna (MP10, Prémontré Sands, EECO, early late Ypresian, Paris Basin). Geol. Belg. 19(3-4): 273-280., meer
- Colpaert, W.; Bosselaers, M.; Lambert, O. (2015). Out of the Pacific: a second fossil porpoise from the Pliocene of the North Sea Basin. Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 60(1): 1-10., meer
- Gu, H.; Luo, Z.; Mertens, K.N.; Price, A.; Turner, R.; Rabalais, N. (2015). Cyst-motile stage relationship, morphology, ultrastructure, and molecular phylogeny of the gymnodinioid dinoflagellate Barrufeta resplendens comb. nov., formerly known as Gyrodinium resplendens, isolated from the Gulf of Mexico. J. Phycol. 51(5): 990-999., meer
- Gu, H.; Liu, T.; Mertens, K.N. (2015). Cyst-theca relationship and phylogenetic positions of Protoperidinium (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) species of the sections Conica and Tabulata, with description of Protoperidinium shanghaiense sp. nov. Phycologia 54(1): 49-66., meer
- Limoges, A; Mertens, K.N.; Ruiz-Fernandez, C; de Vernal, A (2015). First report of fossilized cysts produced by the benthic Bysmatrum subsalsum (Dinophyceae) from a shallow Mexican lagoon in the Gulf of Mexico. J. Phycol. 51(1): 211-215., meer
- Liu, T.; Mertens, K.N.; Gu, H. (2015). Cyst-theca relationship and phylogenetic positions of the diplopsalioideans (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), with description of Niea and Qia gen. nov. Phycologia 54(2): 210-232., meer
- Liu, T.; Mertens, K.N.; Ribeiro, S.; Ellegaard, M.; Matsuoka, K.; Gu, H. (2015). Cyst-theca relationships and phylogenetic positions of Peridiniales (Dinophyceae) with two anterior intercalary plates, with description of Archaeperidinium bailongense sp. nov. and Protoperidinium fuzhouense sp. nov. Phycol. Res. 63(2): 134-151., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Wolny, J.; Carbonell-Moore, C.; Bogus, K.; Ellegaard, M.; Limoges, A.; de Vernal, A.; Gurdebeke, P.; Omura, T.; Al-Muftah, A.; Matsuoka, K. (2015). Corrigendum to “Taxonomic re-examination of the toxic armoured dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense Plate 1906: Can morphology or LSU sequencing separate P. bahamense var. compressum from var. bahamense?” [Harmful Algae 41 (2015) 1–24]. Harmful Algae 42: 71-72., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Takano, Y.; Gu, H.; Yamaguchi, A.; Pospelova, V.; Ellegaard, M.; Matsuoka, K. (2015). Cyst-theca relationship of a new dinoflagellate with a spiny round brown cyst, Protoperidinium lewisiae sp. nov., and its comparison to the cyst of Oblea acanthocysta. Phycol. Res. 63(2): 110-124., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Aydin, H.; Uzar, S.; Takano, Y.; Yamaguchi, A.; Matsuoka, K. (2015). Relationship between the dinoflagellate cyst Spiniferites pachydermus and Gonyaulax ellegaardiae sp. nov. from Izmir Bay, Turkey, and molecular characterization. J. Phycol. 51(3): 560-573., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Takano, Y.; Yamaguchi, A.; Gu, H.; Bogus, K.; Kremp, A.; Bagheri, S.; Matishov, G.; Matsuoka, K. (2015). The molecular characterization of the enigmatic dinoflagellate Kolkwitziella acuta reveals an affinity to the Excentrica section of the genus Protoperidinium. Syst. Biodiv. 13(6): 829-844., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Wolny, J.; Carbonell-Moore, C.; Bogus, K.; Ellegaard, M.; Limoges, A.; de Vernal, A.; Gurdebeke, P.; Omura, T.; Al-Muftah, A.; Matsuoka, K. (2015). Taxonomic re-examination of the toxic armored dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense Plate 1906: can morphology or LSU sequencing separate P. bahamense var. compressum from var. bahamense? Harmful Algae 41: 1-24., meer
- M'Hamdi, A.; Slimani, H.; Louwye, S.; Soussi, M.; Ben Ismail-Lattrache, K.; Ben Ali, W. (2015). Les kystes de dinoflagelles et palynofacies de la transition Maastrichtien–Danien du stratotype El kef (Tunisie). C. R., Palévol 14(3): 167-180., meer
- Perrier, V.; Siveter, D.J.; Williams, M.; Strusz, D.L.; Steeman, T.; Verniers, J.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A. (2015). Myodocope ostracods from the Silurian of Australia. J. Syst. Palaeontol. 13(9): 727-739., meer
- Quaijtaal, W.; Mertens, K.N.; Louwye, S. (2015). Some new acritarch species from the lower and middle Miocene of the Porcupine Basin, North Atlantic Ocean: biostratigraphy and palaeoecology. Palynology 39(1): 37-55., meer
- Verhoeven, K.; Louwye, S. (2015). The Pleistocene palaeoenvironment and stratigraphy of Flatey island (northern Iceland): a preliminary assessment based on palynomorphs. Boreas 44(3): 588-602., meer
- Bogus, K.; Mertens, K.N.; Lauwaert, J.; Harding, I.C.; Vrielinck, H.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Versteegh, G.J.M. (2014). Differences in the chemical composition of organic-walled dinoflagellate resting cysts from phototrophic and heterotrophic dinoflagellates. J. Phycol. 50(2): 254-266., meer
- Guede, K.; Slimani, H.; Louwye, S.; Asebriy, L.; Toufiq, A.; Ahmamou, M.; El Hassani, I.; Digbehi, Z. (2014). Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous-lower Paleocene succession in the western External Rif, Morocco: New species and new biostratigraphic results. Géobios 47(5): 291-304., meer
- Jansson, M; Mertens, K.N.; Head, J; de Vernal, A; Londeix, L; Marret, F; Matthiessen, J; Sangiorgi, F (2014). Statistically assessing the correlation between salinity and morphology in cysts produced by the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum from surface sediments of the North Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean-Marmara-Black Sea region, and Baltic-Kattegat-Skagerrak estuarine system. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 399: 202-213., meer
- Liu, T.T.; Gu, H.F.; Mertens, K.N.; Lan, D.Z. (2014). New dinoflagellate species Protoperidinium haizhouense sp. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), its cyst-theca relationship and phylogenetic position within the Monovela group. Phycol. Res. 62(2): 109-124., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Takano, Y.; Head, M.J.; Matsuoka, K. (2014). Living fossils in the Indo-Pacific warm pool: A refuge for thermophilic dinoflagellates during glaciations. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 42(6): 531-534., meer
- Quaijtaal, W.; Donders, H; Persico, D; Louwye, S. (2014). Characterising the middle Miocene Mi-events in the Eastern North Atlantic realm: a first high-resolution marine palynological record from the Porcupine Basin. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 399: 140-159., meer
- Vandenberghe, N; Harris, W.B.; Wampler, J.M.; Houthuys, R.; Louwye, S.; Adriaens, R.; Vos, K.; Lanckacker, T.; Matthijs, J.; Deckers, J.; Verhaegen, J.; Laga, P.; Westerhoff, W.; Munsterman, D. (2014). The implications of K-Ar glauconite dating of the Diest Formation on the paleogeography of the Upper Miocene in Belgium. Geol. Belg. 17(2): 161-174, meer
- Verhoeven, K.; Louwye, S.; Paez-Reyes, M; Mertens, K.N.; Vercauteren, D. (2014). New acritarchs from the late Cenozoic of the southern North Sea Basin and the North Atlantic realm. Palynology 38(1): 38-50., meer
- Davies, J.R.; Waters, R.A.; Molyneux, S.G.; Williams, M.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Verniers, J. (2013). A revised sedimentary and biostratigraphical architecture for the Type Llandovery area, Central Wales. Geol. Mag. 150(2): 300-332., meer
- De Schepper, S.; Groeneveld, J.; Naafs, B.D.A.; Van Renterghem, C.; Hennissen, J.; Head, M.J.; Louwye, S.; Fabian, K. (2013). Northern hemisphere glaciation during the globally warm Early Late Pliocene. PLoS One 8(12): 1-15., meer
- Devleeschouwer, X.; Heyvaert, V.M.A.; Louwye, S.; Piessens, K.; Smith, T. (2013). Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and forcing factors in geology, 4th international Geologica Belgica meeting, September 11-14, 2012. Geol. Belg. 16(4): 208-210, meer
- Martens, K.; Van Camp, M.; Van Damme, D.; Walraevens, K. (2013). Groundwater dynamics converted to a groundwater classification as a tool for nature development programs in the dunes. J. Hydrol. (Amst.) 499: 236-246., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Yamaguchi, A.; Takano, Y.; Pospelova, V.; Head, M.J.; Radi, T.; Pienkowski, A.J.; de Vernal, A.; Kawami, H.; Matsuoka, K. (2013). A new heterotrophic dinoflagellate from the North-eastern Pacific, Protoperidinium fukuyoi: cyst-theca relationship, phylogeny, distribution and ecology. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60(6): 545-563., meer
- Price, A.M.; Mertens, K.N.; Pospelova, V.; Pedersen, T.F.; Ganeshram, R.S. (2013). Late Quaternary climatic and oceanographic changes in the Northeast Pacific as recorded by dinoflagellate cysts from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (Mexico). Paleoceanography 28(1): 200-212., meer
- Robinson, E.; Van Strydonck, M.; Gelorini, V.; Crombé, P. (2013). Radiocarbon chronology and the correlation of hunter-gatherer sociocultural change with abrupt palaeoclimate change: the Middle Mesolithic in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area of northwest Europe. J. Archaeol. Sci. 40(1): 755-763., meer
- Slimani, H.; Louwye, S. (2013). New organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst species from the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Palaeocene Chalk Group in the Meer and Turnhoutbore holes, Campine Basin, northern Belgium. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 192: 10-21., meer
- Vandenbroucke, T.; Recourt, P.; Nolvak, J.; Nielsen, A. (2013). Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician D. clingani and P. linearis graptolite biozones on the Island of Bornholm, Denmark. Stratigraphy 10(4): 281-301, meer
- Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Munnecke, A.; Leng, M.J.; Bickert, T.; Hints, O.; Gelsthorpe, D.; Maier, G.; Servais, T. (2013). Reconstructing the environmental conditions around the Silurian Ireviken Event using the carbon isotope composition of bulk and palynomorph organic matter. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 14(1): 86-101., meer
- Verhoeven, K.; Louwye, S.; Eiriksson, J. (2013). Plio-Pleistocene landscape and vegetation reconstruction of the coastal area of the Tjörnes Peninsula, Northern Iceland. Boreas 42(1): 108-122., meer
- Verhoeven, K.; Louwye, S. (2013). Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and biostratigraphy with marine palynomorphs of the Plio-Pleistocene in Tjornes, Northern Iceland. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 376: 224-243., meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Martinez, P.; Robinson, R.S.; Louwye, S. (2013). Changes in the source of nutrients associated with oceanographic dynamics offshore southern Chile (41°S) over the last 25,000 years. Quatern. Res. 80(3): 495-501., meer
- Wang, W.H.; Vecoli, M.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Feng, H.Z.; Li, L.X.; Verniers, J. (2013). Late Tremadocian-early Floian acritarchs from graptolitic shales of the Yinzhubu and Ningkuo formations of Yiyang, South China. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 193: 1-14., meer
- Wang, W.H.; Feng, H.Z.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Li, L.X.; Verniers, J. (2013). Chitinozoans from the Tremadocian graptolite shales of the Jiangnan Slope in South China. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 198: 45-61., meer
- Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Marret, F.; Versteegh, G.J.M.; Bogus, K.; Bonnet, S.; Bouimetarhan, I.; Crouch, E.; de Vernal, A.; Elshanawany, R.; Edwards, L.; Esper, O.; Forke, S.; Grøsfjeld, K.; Henry, M.; Holzwarth, U.; Kielt, J.-F.; Kim, S.-Y.; Ladouceur, S.; Ledu, D.; Chen, L.; Limoges, A.; Londeix, L.; Lu, S.-H.; Mahmoud, M.S.; Marino, G.; Matsouka, K.; Matthiessen, J.; Mildenhal, D.C.; Mudie, P.; Neil, H.L.; Pospelova, V.; Qi, Y.; Radi, T.; Richerol, T.; Rochon, A.; Sangiorgi, F.; Solignac, S.; Turon, J.-L.; Verleye, T.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Young, M. (2013). Atlas of modern dinoflagellate cyst distribution based on 2405 datapoints. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 191: 1-197., meer
- Botting, J.P.; Muir, L.A.; Van Roy, P.; Bates, D. (2012). Diverse middle Ordovician palaeoscolecidan worms from the Builth-Llandrindod inlier of central Wales. Palaeontology 55(3): 501-528., meer
- Gaines, R.R.; Briggs, D.E.G.; Orr, P.J.; Van Roy, P. (2012). Preservation of giant anomalocaridids in silica-chlorite concretions from the early Ordovician of Morocco. Palaios 27(5): 317-325., meer
- Haug, C.; Van Roy, P.; Leipner, A.; Funch, P.; Rudkin, D.M.; Schöllmann, L.; Haug, J.T. (2012). A holomorph approach to xiphosuran evolution—a case study on the ontogeny of Euproops. Dev. Genes Evol. 222(5): 253-268., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Yamaguchi, A.; Kawami, H.; Ribeiro, S.; Leander, B.S.; Price, A.M.; Pospelova, V.; Ellegaard, M.; Matsuoka, K. (2012). Archaeperidinium saanichi sp nov.: a new species based on morphological variation of cyst and theca within the Archaeperidinium minutum Jörgensen 1912 species complex. Mar. Micropaleontol. 96-97: 48-62., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Price, A.M.; Pospelova, V. (2012). Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments II: Further tests of the Lycopodium marker-grain method. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 184: 74-81., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Bringue, M.; Van Nieuwenhove, N.; Takano, Y.; Pospelova, V.; Rochon, A.; De Vernal, A.; Radi, T.; Dale, B.; Patterson, R.T.; Andren, E.; Louwye, S.; Matsuoka, K. (2012). Process length variation of the cyst of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum in the North Pacific and Baltic-Skagerrak region:calibration as an annual density proxy and first evidence of pseudo-cryptic speciation. J. Quaternary Sci. 27(7): 734-744., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Bradley, L.R.; Takano, Y.; Mudie, P.J.; Marret, F.; Aksu, A.E.; Hiscott, R.N.; Verleye, T.J.; Mousing, E.A.; Smyrnova, L.L.; Bagheri, S.; Mansor, M.; Pospelova, V.; Matsuoka, K. (2012). Quantitative estimation of Holocene surface salinity variation in the Black Sea using dinoflagellate cyst process length. Quat. Sci. Rev. 39: 45-59., meer
- Quaijtaal, W.; Brinkhuis, H. (2012). Pentadinium alabamensis: A new, unusual dinoflagellate from the early Oligocene of the Gulf Coast, Alabama, USA. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 175: 47-54., meer
- Slimani, H.; Louwye, S.; Toufiq, A. (2012). New species of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from the Maastrichtian-Danian boundary interval at Ouled Haddou, northern Morocco. Alcheringa 36(3): 337-353., meer
- Slimani, H.; Louwye, S. (2012). New junior synonyms of the Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts Membranigonyaulax wilsonii Slimani 1994 and Turnhosphaera hypoflata (Yun1981) Slimani 1994. Palynology 36(1): 110-115., meer
- Verhoeven, K.; Louwye, S. (2012). Selenopemphix islandensis sp nov.: a new organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst from the Lower Pliocene Tjornes beds, northern Iceland. Palynology 36(1): 10-25., meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Mertens, K.N.; Young, M.D.; Dale, B.; McMinn, A.; Scott, L.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Louwye, S. (2012). Average process length variation of the marine dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium centrocarpum in the tropical and Southern Hemisphere Oceans: Assessing its potential as a palaeosalinity proxy. Mar. Micropaleontol. 86-87: 45-58., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Dale, B.; Ellegaard, M.; Jansson, I.M.; Godhe, A.; Kremp, A.; Louwye, S. (2011). Process length variation in cysts of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum, from surface sediments of the Baltic-Kattegat-Skagerrak estuarine system: a regional salinity proxy. Boreas 40(2): 242-255., meer
- Sinha, H.N.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Verniers, J. (2011). First Ordovician chitinozoans from Indian Gondwana - New evidence from the Shiala Formation. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 167(1-2): 117-122., meer
- Slimani, H.; Louwye, S.; Dusar, M.; Lagrou, D. (2011). Connecting the Chalk Group of the Campine Basin to the dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Campanian to Danian in borehole Meer (northern Belgium). Geol. Mijnb. 90(2-3): 129-164., meer
- Slimani, H.; Louwye, S. (2011). New dinoflagellate cyst species of the Microdinium and Phanerodinium Complexes (Evitt) from the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene Chalk Groupin the Meer borehole, northern Belgium. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 168(1): 41-50., meer
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- Verhoeven, K.; Louwye, S.; Eiríksson, J.; De Schepper, S. (2011). A new age model for the Pliocene–Pleistocene Tjörnes section on Iceland: Its implication for the timing of North Atlantic–Pacific palaeoceanographic pathways. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 309(1-2): 33-52., meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Pospelova, V.; Mertens, K.N.; Louwye, S. (2011). The geographical distribution and (palaeo)ecology of Selenopemphix undulata sp nov., a new late Quaternary dinoflagellate cyst from the Pacific Ocean. Mar. Micropaleontol. 78(3-4): 65-83., meer
- Hennissen, J.; Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Chen, X.; Tang, P.; Verniers, J. (2010). The Dawangou auxiliary GSSP (Xinjiang autonomous region, China) of the base of the Upper Ordovician Series: putting global chitinozoan biostratigraphy to the test. J. Micropalaeontol. 29(2): 93-113., meer
- Louwye, S.; Marquet, R.; Bosselaers, M.; Lambert, O. (2010). Stratigraphy of an Early-Middle Miocene sequence near Antwerp in northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin). Geol. Belg. 13(3): 269-284, meer
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- Slimani, H.; Louwye, S.; Toufiq, A. (2010). Dinoflagellate cysts from the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary at Ouled Haddou, southeastern Rif, Morocco: biostratigraphy, paleoenvironments and paleobiogeography. Palynology 34(1): 90-124., meer
- Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Armstrong, H.A.; Williams, M.; Paris, F.; Sabbe, K.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Nõlvak, J.; Verniers, J. (2010). Epipelagic chitinozoan biotopes map a steep latitudinal temperature gradient for earliest Late Ordovician seas: Implications for a cooling Late Ordovician climate. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 294(3-4): 202-219., meer
- Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Armstrong, H.A.; Williams, M.; Paris, F.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Sabbe, K.; Nõlvak, J.; Challands, T.J.; Verniers, J.; Servais, T. (2010). Polar front shift and atmospheric CO2 during the glacial maximum of the Early Paleozoic Icehouse. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107(34): 14983-14986., meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Louwye, S. (2010). Recent geographical distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in the southeast Pacific (25–53°S) and their relation to the prevailing hydrographical conditions. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 298(3-4): 319-340., meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Louwye, S. (2010). Late Quaternary environmental changes and latitudinal shifts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current as recorded by dinoflagellate cysts from offshore Chile (41 degrees S). Quat. Sci. Rev. 29(7-8): 1025-1039., meer
- Wienberg, C.; Frank, N.; Mertens, K.N.; Stuut, J.B.; Marchant, M.; Fietzke, J.; Mienis, F.; Hebbeln, D. (2010). Glacial cold-water coral growth in the Gulf of Cadiz: Implications of increased palaeo-productivity. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 298(3-4): 405-416., meer
- De Schepper, S.; Head, M.J.; Louwye, S. (2009). Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy, palaeoecology and sequence stratigraphy of the Tunnel-Canal Dock, Belgium. Geol. Mag. 146(1): 92-112., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; González, C.; Delusina, I.; Louwye, S. (2009). 30 000 years of productivity and salinity variations in the late Quaternary Cariaco Basin revealed by dinoflagellate cysts. Boreas 38(4): 647-662., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Verhoeven, K.; Verleye, T.J.; Louwye, S.; Amorim, A.; Ribeiro, S.; Deaf, A.S.; Harding, I.C.; De Schepper, S.; Kodrans-Nsiah, M.; de Vernal, A.; Radi, T.; Dybkjaer, K.; Poulsen, N.E.; Feist-burkhardt, S.; Chitolie, J.; González Arango, C.; Heilmann-Clausen, C.; Londeix, L.; Turon, J.-L.; Marret, F.; Matthiessen, J.; McCarthy, F.M.G.; Prasad, V.; Pospelova, V.; Kyffin Hughes, J.E.; Riding, J.B.; Rochon, A.; Sangiorgi, F.; Welters, N.; Sinclair, N.; Thun, C.; Soliman, A.K.; Van Nieuwenhove, N.; Vink, A.; Young, M. (2009). Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments: the Lycopodium marker-grain method put to the test. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 157(3-4): 238-252., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Lynn, M.; Aycard, M.; Lin, H.-L.; Louwye, S. (2009). Coccolithophores as palaeoecological indicators for shifts of the ITCZ in the Cariaco Basin during the Late Quaternary. J. Quaternary Sci. 24(2): 159-174., meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Ribeiro, S.; Bouimetarhan, I.; Caner, H.; Combourieu-Nebout, N.; Dale, B.; de Vernal, A.; Ellegaard, M.; Filipova, M.; Godhe, A.; Goubert, E.; Grøsfjeld, K.; Holzwarth, U.; Kotthoff, U.; Leroy, S.A.G.; Londeix, L.; Marret, F.; Matsuoka, K.; Mudie, P.J.; Naudts, L.; Peña-Manjarrez, J.L.; Persson, A.; Popescu, S.-M.; Pospelova, V.; Sangiorgi, F.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Vink, A.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Vercauteren, D.; Vlassenbroeck, J.; Louwye, S. (2009). Process length variation in cysts of a dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium machaerophorum, in surface sediments: investigating its potential as salinity proxy. Mar. Micropaleontol. 70(1-2): 54-69., meer
- Soliman, A.; Head, M.J.; Louwye, S. (2009). Morphology and distribution of the Miocene dinoflagellate cysts Operculodinium? borgerholtense Louwye, 2001, emend. Palynology 33(2): 73-84., meer
- Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Armstrong, H.A.; Williams, M.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Sabbe, K. (2009). Ground-truthing Late Ordovician climate models using the paleobiogeography of graptolites. Paleoceanography 24(4)., meer
- Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Ancilletta, A.; Fortey, R.A.; Verniers, J. (2009). A modern assessment of Ordovician chitinozoans from the Shelve and Caradoc areas, Shropshire, and their significance for correlation. Geol. Mag. 146(2): 216-236., meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Mertens, K.N.; Louwye, S.; Arz, H.W. (2009). Holocene salinity changes in the southwestern Black Sea: a reconstruction based on dinoflagellate cysts. Palynology 33(1): 77-100, meer
- De Baets, K.; Cecca, F.; Guiomar, M.; Verniers, J. (2008). Ammonites from the latest Aalenian-earliest Bathonian of La Baume (Castellane area, SE France): palaeontology and biostratigraphy. Swiss J. Geosci. 101(3): 563-578., meer
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- Mertens, K.N. (2015). Marine dinoflagellate cysts as tools in palaeoecology, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 90, meer
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- Verleye, T.J. (2011). The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental changes along the western South- American continental slope: a reconstruction based on dinoflagellate cysts and TEX86, in: Steemans, P. et al. (Ed.) Miscellanea palaeontologica 2011: program and abstracts. pp. 22, meer
- Verleye, T.J. (2011). The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental changes along the western South-American continental slope: A reconstruction based on dinoflagellate cysts and TEX86. PhD Thesis. Ghent University: Gent. 245 pp., meer
- Verleye, T. (2010). Mid-late Holocene changes in the El Niño Southern Oscillation and Hadley Cell intensity; their effect on sea-surface conditions in the mid-latitude southeast Pacific Ocean (41°S), in: BELQUA 2010 Annual Scientific Workshop, Brussels, 2 March 2010. pp. 9, meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Lynn, M.; Aycard, M.; Lin, H.-L.; Louwye, S. (2009). Coccolithophores as palaeoecological indicators for shifts of the ITCZ in the Cariaco Basin during the Late Quaternary, in: Mertens, K.N. Tracing hydrological millennial-scale cycles in the Late Quaternary of the Cariaco Basin and the southern Gulf of Cádiz using coccoliths and dinoflagellate cycts = Opsporing van hydrologische cycli op millenium-schaal in het late Quartair van het Cariaco Bekken en de zuidelijke Golf van Cádiz met behulp van coccolieten en dinoflagellatencysten. pp. 18-34, meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Verhoeven, K.; Verleye, T.J.; Louwye, S.; Amorim, A.; Ribeiro, S.; Deaf, A.S.; Harding, I.C.; De Schepper, S.; Kodrans-Nsiah, M.; de Vernal, A.; Radi, T.; Dybkjaer, K.; Poulsen, N.E.; Feist-burkhardt, S.; Chitolie, J.; González Arango, C.; Heilmann-Clausen, C.; Londeix, L.; Turon, J.-L.; Marret, F.; Matthiessen, J.; McCarthy, F.M.G.; Prasad, V.; Pospelova, V.; Kyffin Hughes, J.E.; Riding, J.B.; Rochon, A.; Sangiorgi, F.; Welters, N.; Sinclair, N.; Thun, C.; Soliman, A.K.; Van Nieuwenhove, N.; Vink, A.; Young, M. (2009). Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments: the Lycopodium marker-grain method put to the test, in: Mertens, K.N. Tracing hydrological millennial-scale cycles in the Late Quaternary of the Cariaco Basin and the southern Gulf of Cádiz using coccoliths and dinoflagellate cycts = Opsporing van hydrologische cycli op millenium-schaal in het late Quartair van het Cariaco Bekken en de zuidelijke Golf van Cádiz met behulp van coccolieten en dinoflagellatencysten. pp. 56-73, meer
- Mertens, K.N.; Ribeiro, S.; Bouimetarhan, I.; Caner, H.; Combourieu-Nebout, N.; Dale, B.; de Vernal, A.; Ellegaard, M.; Filipova, M.; Godhe, A.; Goubert, E.; Grøsfjeld, K.; Holzwarth, U.; Kotthoff, U.; Leroy, S.A.G.; Londeix, L.; Marret, F.; Matsuoka, K.; Mudie, P.J.; Naudts, L.; Peña-Manjarrez, J.L.; Persson, A.; Popescu, S.-M.; Pospelova, V.; Sangiorgi, F.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Vink, A.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Vercauteren, D.; Vlassenbroeck, J.; Louwye, S. (2009). Process length variation in cysts of a dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium machaerophorum, in surface sediments: investigating its potential as salinity proxy, in: Mertens, K.N. Tracing hydrological millennial-scale cycles in the Late Quaternary of the Cariaco Basin and the southern Gulf of Cádiz using coccoliths and dinoflagellate cycts = Opsporing van hydrologische cycli op millenium-schaal in het late Quartair van het Cariaco Bekken en de zuidelijke Golf van Cádiz met behulp van coccolieten en dinoflagellatencysten. pp. 74-93, meer
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- Verleye, T. (2009). Het Holocene paleomilieu van de zuidwestelijke Zwarte Zee: een reconstructie aan de hand van dinoflagellatencysten en andere palynomorfen, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 4-6, meer
- Verleye, T.J.; Mertens, K.; Louwye, S.; Arz, H.W. (2008). The Holocene salinity changes in the southwestern Black Sea: a reconstruction based on dinoflagellate cysts, in: BELQUA 2008 Annual Scientific Workshop, Brussels, 19 March 2008. pp. 25, meer
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- Mertens, K. (2004). Kalkschalig nannoplankton en dinoflagellaten als paleomilieu-indicatoren van het Laat-Quartair in het Cariaco Bekken (ODP Site 1002), Venezuela. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde: Gent. 189 pp., meer
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- Palaeofocus. Palaeo Publishing & Library: Mortsel. ISSN 2030-8426, meer
- De Laat-Quartaire paleomilieuvariaties langs de Zuid-Amerikaanse westelijke continentale rand: Een reconstructie aan de hand van dinoflagellatencysten en TEX86, meer
- High resolution biostratigraphical study of marine palynomorphs with a research microscope and integrated digital image storing system, meer
- Hoge-resolutie-biostratigrafisch onderzoek van mariene palynomorfen met een onderzoeksmicroscoop en geïntegreerde digitale beeldarchivering., meer
- Marine Research Drilling - The ESF Magellan Workshop Series., meer
- Marine@Ugent: UGent Marine Sciences Center of Excellence, meer
- The Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental changes along the western South-American continental slope: A reconstruction based on dinoflagellate cysts and TEX86, meer
- Vlaamse deelname aan het Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) met het European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD)., meer
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