Bolgan, M.; Pereira, B.P.; Crucianelli, A.; Mylonas, C.C.; Pousão-Ferreira, P.; Parmentier, E.; Fonseca, P.J.; Amorim, M.C.P. (2020). Vocal repertoire and consistency of call features in the meagre Argyrosomous regius (Asso, 1801). PLoS One 15(11): e0241792., meer
Bolgan, M.; Crucianelli, A.; Mylonas, C.C.; Henry, S.; Falguière, J.C.; Parmentier, E. (2020). Calling activity and calls' temporal features inform about fish reproductive condition and spawning in three cultured Sciaenidae species. Aquaculture 524: 735243., meer