Mendonça, I.R.W.; Theirlynck, T.; Zettler, E.R.; Amaral-Zettler, L.A.; Oliveira, M.C. (2024). Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum fluitans. Ocean and Coastal Research 72: e24037., meer
Theirlynck, T.; Mendonça, I.R.W.; Engelen, A.H.; Bolhuis, H.; Collado-Vides, L.; van Tussenbroek, B.I.; García-Sánchez, M.; Zettler, E.R.; Muyzer, G.; Amaral-Zettler, L. (2023). Diversity of the holopelagic Sargassum microbiome from the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt to coastal stranding locations. Harmful Algae 122: 102369., meer