A review of the British ascophoran cheilostomes has revealed several instances of synonymic confusion, and necessitated the introduction of two new generic names. Porelloides gen. nov. is instituted for two species formerly included in Porella, with P. laevis (Fleming) as type species, and Phaceostachys gen. nov. is introduced for Lepralia spinifera Johnson. Smittoidea amplissima sp. nov. was hitherto not distinguished trom Smittina landsboravii (Johnston). Porella minuta ( Norman), reported from localities as far afield as the western Mediterranean and the Canadian Arctic, is shown to comprise two species, and the northern records are here attributed to P. alba Nordgaard. Escharella labiosa (Busk) and E. klugei sp. nov. (= E. ventricosa var. peristomata Kluge) are redescribed, and E. laqueata and E. abyssicola are discussed. The case for retaining Cellepora Linnaeus is argued and Lepralia quincuncialis Norman is referred to Buskea Heller.
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