Kinne, O.; Aurich, H. (Ed.) (1967). Vorträge und Diskussionen. Erstes Europäisches Symposion über Meeresbiologie = Papers and discussions. First European Symposium on Marine Biology = Rapports et discussions. Premier symposium européen sur biologie marine. European Marine Biology Symposia, 1. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 15(1-4). 669 pp., more
1. 256 contiguous core samples (7.62 cm diameter) were collected along a 32 m straight line transect from a sandy mud substrate in Fanafjorden, Norway, at a depth of 35 m.2. Eleven species found in the community were analysed usingGreig Smith's method of pattern analysis.3. Three species were aggregated at nearly all block sizes (i. e. the effective sample sizes) and five randomly distributed.4. Three species showed fluctuating distribution patterns according to the block size. The distributions of these species could not be adequately studied from multiple random samples.5. No species showed an even distribution at any block size.6. It is concluded that the micro-distributions, and hence the micro-habitats, of infaunal species cannot be investigated using the more conventional sampling techniques for sampling the benthos, by grab, scoop or ship-operated corers.
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