The Importance of Water Movements for Biology and Distribution of Marine Organisms: opening address - 2nd European Symposium on Marine Biology
Brattström, H. (1968). The Importance of Water Movements for Biology and Distribution of Marine Organisms: opening address - 2nd European Symposium on Marine Biology. Sarsia 34(1): 9-12.
In: Sarsia. University of Bergen. Universitetsforlaget: Bergen. ISSN 0036-4827; e-ISSN 1503-1128, more
Also appears in:
Brattström, H.; Matthews, J.B.L. (Ed.) (1968). The Importance of Water Movements for Biology and Distribution of Marine Organisms: 2nd European Symposium on Marine Biology, Bergen 24-28 August 1967. European Marine Biology Symposia, 2. Sarsia, 34. 398 pp., more