Recent initiatives in Regional Geological Cartography in Flanders: 1. ‘Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV)’: the geological information system of the subsoil of the Flemish Region
De Ceukelaire, M.; Jacobs, P.; Sevens, E.; Mostaert, F. (2000). Recent initiatives in Regional Geological Cartography in Flanders: 1. ‘Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV)’: the geological information system of the subsoil of the Flemish Region, in: Third Congress on Regional Geological Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 24-27 October 2000. pp. 79-81
In: (2000). Third Congress on Regional Geological Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 24-27 October 2000. Emilia-Romagna Region - Geological Seismic and soil Survey: Munich, more