Deliverable 7.1: Plan to implement actions for Coordination of INSPIRE
Catarino, A.I.; Everaert, G. (2025). Deliverable 7.1: Plan to implement actions for Coordination of INSPIRE. Version 2.1. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 18 pp.
The INSPIRE Consortium's organisational structure, comprising the General Assembly, Management Board, and Coordinator, are described, with the goal of establishing an effective framework for project execution and accountability. The Project Coordinator (VLIZ), supported by the Management Support Team, will assume a central role in INSPIRE for overseeing contractual, administrative, and financial management, ensuring compliance, and maintaining communication with the European Commission. To foster trust and build strong relationships, our comprehensive communication plan prioritises stakeholder engagement, timely updates, and responsiveness. VLIZ will continually monitor and adjust the INSPIRE communication efforts to ensure project success and alignment with stakeholder expectations.
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