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RainBase - a field manipulation experiment on four European beaches: data for Arina (Greece)
Beschikbaarheid: Beschikbaar onder voorwaarden
The data are withheld from general circulation and disclosure but access may be obtained on a case-by-case basis through negotiation Nota: Not freely available
A field manipulation experiment was carried out at four geographically separated
European beaches. This dataset contains the data for the beach of Arina (Crete). meer
A field manipulation experiment was carried out at four geographically separated European beaches, investigating the response of meiofauna communities to increased intensity and frequency of rainfall as predicted by climate change models. The study specifically tested the following null-hypothesis: H0: Sandy beach meiofauna from different geographic areas respond in comparable ways to the same type, intensity and frequency of disturbance (i.e. increased fresh water input as a result of climate change). The experimental sites are located at Arina (Crete, Mediterranean Sea: microtidal beach), De Panne (Belgium, North Sea: macrotidal, dissipative beach), Hel (Poland, Baltic Sea: microtidal beach) and Sines (Portugal, Atlantic coast: macrotidal, dissipative beach). Scope Thema's: Biologie > Benthos, Biologie > Ecologie - biodiversiteit, Kustonderzoek (bv. stranden, estuaria) Kernwoorden: Marien/Kust, Data, Experimenteel onderzoek, Intertidaal milieu, Marine Genomics, Meiobenthos, Regenval, Verstoring van het ecosysteem, Zandige stranden, MED, Griekenland, Kreta, Nematoda Geografische spreiding MED, Griekenland, Kreta [Marine Regions] Spreiding in de tijd
11 April 2007 - 6 Mei 2007 Taxonomic coverage
Nematoda [WoRMS]
Count of Nematoda Meiobenthos #/ Major taxa Verdeling korrelgrootte sediment Bijdrage door
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), meer, data creator
Gerelateerde datasets
Maakt deel uit van: RainBase - a field manipulation experiment on four European beaches, meer Project
Dataset status: Afgelopen
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Onderzoek: veldexperiment
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2008-04-15
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2008-04-18