Vemuri, A.; Buckingham, S.; Munters, W.; Helsen, J.; van Beeck, J. (2022). Sensitivity analysis of mesoscale simulations to physics parameterizations over the Belgian North Sea using Weather Research and Forecasting - Advanced Research WRF (WRF-ARW). Wind Energy Science 7(5): 1869-1888., meer
Coudou, N.; Buckingham, S.; Bricteux, L.; van Beeck, J. (2018). Experimental study on the wake meandering within a scale model wind farm subject to a wind-tunnel flow simulating an atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 167(1): 77-98., meer
Gillyns, E.; Buckingham, S.; van Beeck, J.; Winckelmans, G. (2023). Wind turbine wake: bridging the gap between large eddy simulations and wind tunnel experiments. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2505: 012029., meer
Coudou, N.; Buckingham, S.; van Beeck, J. (2017). Experimental study on the wind-turbine wake meandering inside a scale model wind farm placed in an atmospheric-boundary-layer wind tunnel. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 854: 012008., meer