Acroniem: EuroSITES Periode: April 2008 Status: Gestart
Thesaurusterm Networking
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), meer, partner
EuroSITES is a European FP7 Collaborative Project which will integrate Europe’s existing deep ocean observatories and contribute both to the subsea component of GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) and to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
Beginning in Spring 2008, EuroSITES will focus on enhancing and standardising the current in situ infrastructure of 9 European deep ocean sites through best practice and common data management. The main objectives, scope and structure of EuroSITES will be presented within the context of other European and international projects and initiatives including ESONET, EMSO, ARGO, HERMES, MERSEA, OOI, Ocean- SITES, ORION and NEPTUNE. Close interaction between these and other relevant projects is essential to develop a unified approach to European and International ocean observation.