Overkoepelend project: Research action SPSD-I: Sustainable management of the North Sea, meer Identifier financieringsorganisatie: MN/DD2/008 (Other contract id) Acroniem: BUDGET Periode: September 1999 tot Augustus 2001 Status: Afgelopen
The main objective of BUDGET is to collect the various studies concerning the sediment dynamic behaviour of sediments on the Belgian continental shelf, to analyse them critically and to compile their results in order to obtain an overview picture of the sediment fluxes on the Belgian shelf. BUDGET includes three major aspects:
- Inventory of background information and of sediment dynamic studies.
An inventory is made of all relevant geological, morpho-sedimentological and hydrodynamical data.
- Critical analysis of compiled studies and methods.
The studies are analysed in function of the three-dimensional scale of the processes and (apparent) contradictions in results are examined. At the same time a comparison is made with the results of the mathematical models.
- Recommendations for future research.
Recommendations for future research and a proposal for an integrated research on the Belgian continental shelf are formulated.
Expected results
- A sediment dynamic overview map of the Belgian continental shelf.
This map will give an overview of all relevant geological and sedimentological information, bedforms, and hydrodynamical data based on models and field measurements. The map will present as well directions of residual sediment transport deduced from the compiled studies.
- Multidisciplinary database.
A database will list all analysed studies and their principal results.
- Evaluation criteria.
Criteria are defined to evaluate the applicability of existing measuring methods for the analysis of particular sediment dynamic problems.
- Sediment budget .
A sediment budget of the Belgian continental shelf based on the compiled studies is worked out.
The partners and their interaction
The co-ordinator, Magelas (Prof. Dr. J. Lanckneus), has 20 year experience on the field of sediment dynamics and morphodynamics. The Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG) (Dr. V. Van Lancker) enjoys a broad expertise on the field of geological studies in marine and lacustrine environments. The Management Unit of the Mathematical Models of the North (MUMM) (Ir. D. Van den Eynde & Dr. M. Fettweis) is specialised in mathematical modelling of marine systems and is active in the quantitative analysis of sediment transport on the Belgian continental shelf. The Research Unit of Sedimentary Geology and Engineering Geology (SGEG) (Prof. Dr. P. Jacobs) is active in the study of shallow-marine siliciclastic sedimentation systems and in the cartographic processing of geological data.
The partners
Magelas is a company specialised in the field of sedimentology, sediment dynamics and morphodynamics. Co-operation of relevance to the BUDGET project include the research project COAST3D (funded by the MASTIII programme) and the research project MOBAG (funded by the Flemish Community).
Renard Centre of Marine Geology
The Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG) has more than 20 years of experience in high-resolution reflection-seismic and geological investigations in marine and lacustrine environments. RCMG's research work is most often carried out in the framework of nationally or internationally funded programmes (THERMIE, MASTI, MASTII, MASTIII, ENVIRONMENT, INTAS). The project BUDGET is carried out in collaboration with the Management Unit of the Mathematical Model of the North Sea and Scheldt estuary and the Research Unit Sedimentary Geology and Engineering Geology of Ghent University.
(2002). The Belgian continental shelf: synthesis map of the natural sand transport on the BCS. Federale Diensten voor Wetenschappelijke, Technische en Culturele Aangelegenheden (DWTC): Brussel. 1 map, 1:100,000 pp., meer